
The key to true immortality is to do something significant.

My brilliant research is unsurpassed and will probably make my name live beyond eternity.

To me, as a God-revering Amarr - Jin-Mei, the state of immortality and the role of the Capsuleer serve a God-given purpose in New Eden.

What that role is will only be revealed in time and with patience. However, many conservative and traditionalist Amarr I’ve studied along side say that cloning means the soul does not stay after death of the original person.

If that were the case though, surely the use of Alpha and Omega cloning technology from the Jovians would never have proliferated as much as it did throughout the Amarr and the empire. Yes the soul is immortal, but God has a plan for each and every one of his children from the most minor to greatest of roles. His spirit works through all his faithful to spread righteousness throughout the universe, from the simples acts of kindness to the greatest of military campaigns. Some are destined to die early, others to serve the Creator for hundreds of years to come.

God’s will is not static, serving him is far more than obeying the statues of the scriptures or the covenants made for Holy Amarr. His will is active in every facet of life, weather we see it or not. It is though us that he brings about His plans, it’s through us that He spreads the Rite by grace and charity. And it will stay so until the end

A human brain piloting a flesh suit with some technological accoutrements.


Who were you again?

In fact, that did seem to be the default assumption until the Empire suddenly had a very much temporal need for a massive increase in cloning, and just happened to have a spiritual decision rendered that oh-so-conveniently made it ok to fill that need.

The greatest Sani Sabik capsuleer philosopher of the modern era.

I’m pretty sure I mentioned that on a couple of occasions.

Doesn’t ring a bell.

I am a soul as always piloting a flesh automaton and still inextricably linked to it and thus modified by it. We have reached an age were we’ve far more ability towards morphological freedom but even then we are constrained (whether by external forces or simply the nature of reality) as it will always be, we are never freed from material constraints in full so long as we choose to continue existing but we can outstrip many of those constraints as we continue to choose technological progression as a force against natural bounds and in a more personal touch, natural -binds-.

This is the post-human experience, the striving to be more than we are and as capsuleers we have certainly attained those beginning material pieces of post-humanity though even prior to this material point there were those with post-human souls.

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I don’t think any of us have souls. If we had them, we lost them eons ago.

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