Independent EVE Rebely

I would like to share story of my corporation. At the begining I would like to apologise for all grammar misteakes which I’ll make. English is not my primary language and it is sometimes hard for me to translate something.
So to start with, I just finished school and I had to write final exams. They are really important (university recruitment), so I had to make 3 months break from eve. Meanwhile my corp m8s joined many different corps, we lost alliance, etc.
So I’m basicly coming to empty corp and I’m starting everything from begining.
Also now I would like to focus on stuff like PVP etc.
I’m looking people who want to start building something from nothing. It will be hard to build community, it will be hard to grow. But I have hope that there are people who are interested in trying this.
I also look for alliance which we can join and support.
If anyone want ask or join write mail in game to me or invite me to private chat. We require discord for voice communication.

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I would like the chance to talk to you about possibly joining our alliance. Take a look at my link below and if interested join “WALKA Public” in game chat channel

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Thx, I’ll contact you soon :slight_smile:

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Hey, @Provagus_Great ! I just started a corp to run public PVP fleets - and we also recruit vets and newbros to set up a solid corp besides the running of pvp fleets - a bit of pve, atm still in high sec 0.5 - but also in our low sec home, too (Kheram atm).

We want to achieve critical mass of players for the corp and not only for our discord and would be happy to have more miners/indy people who help our new and old players - so perhaps this is something for you: New? Old? Alone? Don't be - join Puffin Squads - Home of the Underdogs

We are a relaxed group and know all about RL aggro, job and kids - the corp just started out, but with public fleets and the new members there is always something to do when you have time and no pressure as we are all in the same boat - and we could really use a vet to help getting it up and running - check it out :slight_smile:

Join the discord for questions: - hope to see you there and in space!


Mad Librarian (MadLib)

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Well we don’t want to merge, additionally I recruited now some small team. But I might have nice offer for you

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How many members do you currently have?

6 with me in main corp which i recruited during last 2 days + there are few guys who left corp when i told them that i’m leaving game for 3 months and now they are thinking about coming back

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Sounds like you would do well here in impass. We have a lot of room to grow and have a lot of varied content on a daily basis.


My current plan is to stay without alliance for 1 week. I’ll get some people and we will start discussing then which alliance would be the best for us. We don’t want to hurry.

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Guys I want to thank you for all talk and messages which i’m getting.
We are slowly growing :slight_smile:

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It been about a week and wanted to touch base are you still looking for a new home? if you drop me a line and lets chat a bit about what your looking for and see if you will find your new home with Drone Walkers.

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Feylore I’ll convo you when I’ll be in game

If you are interested joining corp convo me in game :slight_smile:

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