Indy Corp, looking to expand

We are an Indy corporation interested in folks from all walks of life, whether you be Newbro or experienced vet.

Primarily, we’re interested in folks who want to learn about mining and industry, as well as anyone who might have some PvP experiences they’d like to share.

Please send me an ingame EVEmail if you have any questions!

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Recruitment is still open.

We are looking for indy corps to come out to Vale and build capitals and supers for us.

Let me know if you guys are interested in the opportunity.

Recruitment is still open.

Recruitment is still open.

I have a group possibly interested, what sort of protection and space is being offered?

I am not going to discuss our protections and space on the forums. If you would like to know more about it, please contact Sylva or myself in game.

Got a Discord?

Recruitment is still open.

Recruitment is still open.

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