Installer fails

running install/setup (eve-online-latest+setup.exe) using Admin rights … I get this message :

Installation has failed

Unable to write to c:\ProgramData\Mave - IT Policies may be restricting access to this folder.

You right clicked and choose “Run as Administrator”

I know sometimes Whineblows admin user permissions don’t actually give me full permissions, but doing that usually fixes it.

Hope this helps, I can’t think of anything else. :grinning:

Try not running it with admin rights.
It does a check to confirm that it is running in user space and (rightly) objects if it isn’t.

This is based on my experience with Linux/wine installation a few months ago.

just a thought … Mave is the main userid on the laptop and the installer seems to be trying to create a file “tree” from it, under c:\programdata. The installer program seems to be checking in c:\programdata whereas the only current instance of Mave is under c:\users ? maybe nothing maybe not …

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