Is Eve Online too toxic?

Only three tries at making your post legible?

You’re getting better.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Speaking of toxicity,
I have a question for you @Aiko_Danuja

Why is offering the suggestion “calm down miner” to an overly emotional and irate miner, and offering them a virtual cup of digital camomile tea (which is the same as offering a virtual hug, just less in-your-personal-spacey) considered “toxic” and “inflammatory?”

It’s considered toxic and inflammatory because it is what they need to do, and they don’t want things to get better, they just want to cry and whine and complain endlessly. So then they gaslight us, pretending like we are the griefers.

Finally, you can calm down inside. This means not just controlling your outward behavior, but also controlling your internal responses, taking steps to lower your heart rate, calm yourself down, and let the feelings subside.

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Because that phrase is usually used in a dismissive manner. It’s the space version of “Okay boomer”.

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It sounds like a term of endearment to me.
Deep down inside I’m certain that gankers love miners unconditionally and they just want to help in a selfless manner and out of brotherly love for their fellow players.

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Can you prove that it is being used in a dismissive manner, or are you projecting how you use that term upon others?




@Zaera_Keena I apologize for offending you, Zaera.

Let me rephrase that.

It sounds like a term of endearment to me.
Deep down inside I’m certain that gankers love miners unconditionally and they just want to help in a selfless manner and out of brotherly and sisterly love for their fellow players.

@Aiko_Danuja 🩷

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Depends, do you want to to take me out on a date first? :slight_smile:

She can’t unless you want to break her out of a federal penitentiary as she is serving multiple life sentances without possibility of parole. You can however send her ISK to buy herself a coffee.

Here’s a thought.

If you are having a mental breakdown, because someone suggested you calm down, then YOU are the one with a problem, and it’s not their fault you are so immature.


After careful study of 25 , Dr Zaera has come to the conclusion that 25 is suffering from what is know as Gen Z syndrome with symptoms of heightened sensitivity to issues related to mental health, social justice, gender equality, environmental sustainability with a typical trigger being Calm down Miner

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What does that have to do with the argument?

He is trying to say …he likes you?

It tells me that he has no idea what he’s talking about and he projects his own ill will upon others.

Everything! Don’t you love me anymore? You never call. Your son misses you! D:

I feel like you might be the one projecting here.


What gave you the impression that I loved you in the first place?

I’m a 12 year old girl, serving multiple consecutive lifetime sentences in a federal penitentiary, for inflicting severe emotional trauma upon helpless people via non-consensual pvp.

The fact that you would even suggest that we have a child together is, very very wrong and disturbing.

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