Is Eve Online too toxic?

Nothing more scary than a neutered puppy.

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If we’re going to start cleaning out highsec Player stations together, we will need to be very scary!

This post very quickly devolved into a pissing contest. At this rate you guys are going to burn all my savings exclusively on popcorn.

Shutup and refill my popcorn !!!

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Well ya, if you’re buying it from the theater.

But if you pop it yourself, (and not that nasty bag ■■■■) I mean, air pop or fry pop it, you could easily extend your forum ■■■■-posting viewing.

The forum is a good example; there are guides and community help, but also a large part of toxic people. The difference between EVE and other games is that there is greater freedom to harass other players in countless ways. There is a player who recently died in an accident and even after hearing the news, they were not able to close their mouths or show respect. EVE attracts that profile of sociopathic people.


Is it actual harassment, or are you just virtue signalling?

I actually still miss Hateless_Gaming and last fortnight I actually revisited his YouTube videos to help wil a burner mission.

I feel the eve online community could learn something much what he had once shared with us all.

o7 many will remember him.


Respect is earned.

Not a sentiment everyone shares

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He had earned the respect of the community to remember him and how he had enjoyed Eve Online and no one could take that away.


He will be remembered, but for differing reasons.

What is ‘toxic’ here exactly?

EVE is a sandbox MMO that allows PVP to happen everywhere. That is the nature of the game.

Policing behavior is actually the true toxicity in modern gaming as all it does is enables petty pedantry to run rampant in your community, people should be allowed to speak openly and honestly to each other without fear of being banned, granted as long as it doesn’t spill into IRL which is already against EVE’s TOS. And the last thing we need is to give players banhammer ammunition against one another because someone said something off color after being ganked at some point.

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I think it has something to do with voodoo curses that are cast after the fact that could be considered toxic.

Toxic is way to easly used… And eve online is a PVP game with somewhat save sectors… And if you log into this game you are a pvp player… Beacuse its a PVP game A sandbox. Sandbox in this mmo type is a PVP model… If you like it or not this is MAINLY a PVP game… Hehe do you understand? And i dont find eve online toxic, the only thing i find toxic are mostly the gm’s in chats… They have thin skin and are simps… They mostly miss use there powers and have god complex. That is what i think and that is my experience with them… They cry the most :slight_smile:

oh what a cute animal :stuck_out_tongue:

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For some unfathomable reason Zaera keeps getting her posts flagged. Can’t imagine why as fang is such an angel.

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But isn’t there a point when constant flagging becomes grieffing,

I understand about keeping post on topic but I’m sure it’s okay to chat with each other , as long as your not bringing up other points that can be a post in there own right

Imagine having a conversation IRL with one of those flag spammers?

It would end up something like this

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If I were the type to weaponize flagging like the rest of you NPCs, I’d flag you for referring to yourself in the third person.

Illeism should be a bannable offence.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Well, aren’t we the sheep in wolf’s clothing?

Alternatively, try this, it’s fun.