Negative/toxic culture towards new players

I’ve played EVE since early 2011. I’ve had a consistent cycle of playing the game for a month or 2, getting frustrated and leaving, missing it after a year or two, and returning. The two things that led me to unsubbing and taking an extensive break are persistent ganking, and an outright negative/toxic culture towards new players.

I play a handful of MMO’s in a rotation. This game leads all of them in toxic nature. I say it in a lot of forums for games I play, if you enjoy a game and want it to thrive, your attitude towards new players has to be broadly positive. Without new players, games die. Kindness goes a long way. When players find community in games they play they tend to stick around. Treating people like garbage because they don’t know everything there is to know about a new game is a good way to push them away. A smaller player base is less revenue for the developer. Less revenue means a smaller team, fewer updates, and a shorter game lifespan.

Since returning to the game it’s been difficult to find a good community and far more common to run into players who seem dedicated to being as toxic as possible. I realize ganking and PVP combat is part of this game’s DNA, so my gripe towards that is more towards the developer, but from what I’ve experienced the past few weeks from players running PVE fleets has been nothing short of demoralizing. I don’t understand the reasoning behind treating other players like they are absolute garbage. Like they aren’t a living person behind that screen. I don’t remember the in-game community being this way previously.


I’m confused about why you think new players deserve anything at all? That’s a serious question. Are you proposing social welfare in video games?


Clearly you’ve never experienced the degeneracy that is Poker in Puzzle Pirates.


EvE is pretty tame compared to Starcraft II general chat.

The community team must be doing something right.



There is definitely a disproportionate number of a**holes in EVE’s player base - you’re certainly not wrong there. On the flip side, there are a lot of really nice folk in EVE as well.


Could it be that you made this “think of the newbies” rage post because you lost a barge in low sec?


Don’t be that person… Shaming really isn’t the way to get across your point.


It’s a fair question.

Is the OP even a new player?


Nope, older than me…


Another 15 year old bitterbear complaining about new players.


Computer says no.

It’s just another post pretending to care about “newbies” while in reality it’s really just all about themselves. Trying to use whatever words that might get the desired result.


Meh…I was ganked a few weeks after joining Eve. And gate camped just a week after that. I did not like it…but rather than leading to despondency it led to me wanting to skill up and get revenge. And that is the attitude it is supposed to engender.

And you know what ? Two and a half years later I was in a fleet that destroyed the ships of the very corp that had ganked me as a noob. Revenge…is a dish best served cold.

Eve is a game that rewards patience and not getting in a tizzy over every loss.


Look at all the comments proving my point. :open_mouth:


Stop bullying us, we are new players (you aren’t).


Where did I ever mention social welfare? I mentioned kindness lol.

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If you don’t like your lies and scheming being called out, perhaps don’t lie and scheme. This post was never about “newbies”, this was about you.

I have not lol.

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Maybe this is your problem?

Try doing some PvP instead of PvE?


Have you tried not being new?


Clearly didn’t even read what I wrote. You just wanted to argue for the sake of arguing.


I read what you wrote:

  1. you roleplayed as a new player, when you have played the game a decade longer than me
  2. you whined about ganking, after you died in lowsec
  3. you claimed the game will die if new players (translation: 15 year veterans) don’t receive social welfare payments and free handouts
  4. you claimed Eve is toxic when its objectively pretty mild compared to many other games, this is a form of whining disguised as virtue signalling
  5. you blamed PvP players for the toxic atmosphere in PvE fleets
  6. you pretended that it is griefing if another player happens to be better than you and take advantage of your refusal to get better (ie: stop mining AFK in lowsec)
  7. you pretended the replies here are toxic, when they are mildly bemused responses to yet another bittervet pretending to be a new player

Totally new player here - first account, first character, never played EVE before. Can say this community is anything but toxic (if you cound out some weird people i shoot at sometimes, they use many no-no words and call me some uncool names). You lie, TS - and you’re an old old player, too! Don’t try to gaslight people, thanks.