Negative/toxic culture towards new players

Welcome to EvE Online Kara!


I’m gonna send you a FREE newbro Catalyst!


  1. I clearly stated upfront how long I’ve been playing for. You didn’t read.
  2. I didn’t whine about dying in lowsec. If I did, please quote me.
  3. “social welfare payments and free handouts” wasn’t mentioned once by me. I never stated anything remotely close to that. Again, if I did, quote me.
  4. That’s a stretch, but okay.
  5. Where exactly did I say PVP players in PVE fleets are the issue? How did you get that from what I said? Again, quote what I said.
  6. I never AFK mine in lowsec. What’s your source here?
  7. Again, where was I pretending to be a new player? I said what I have witnessed in fleets towards new players was demoralizing.

If you want to have a good conversation with someone, you should start by not putting words in their mouth. This is a bad conversation.



EVE’s community is one of the most helpful and most social gaming communities in dozens of online games I have played.

People do tend to be a bit direct and harsh against people who make unrealistic demands, but if a new player is honest, asking for advice or willing to learn rather than blaming other players for their failures they will find a very welcoming and helpful community in EVE.


Let’s see…

Is there some other new player you are advocating for?


Thank you, o kind soul! You must be one of the most helpful people in EVE, even better than that weird dude named Mike Azariah or smth like that who told me i should go and die in the ship he gave me! You don’t ask for anything in return :heart_eyes:

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That’s how I remembered the game but not what I am seeing currently. I’m glad it feels different where you are.

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You couldn’t put together from any of my post that what I am seeing towards new players is toxicity? You are already trying to have a conversation with things I didn’t say. I’m not sure how else to communicate to you.

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My apologies, I naturally assumed you were talking about yourself. If you would like to help a new player, why don’t you just contract them some ships or isk? I believe Kara, above, is a new player. She’s a good girl, so feel free to send her some gifts and maybe a few tips (since you are an experienced 15 year old veteran). I think she recently trained the Catalyst, and is looking for additional hulls and modules (ie: neutron blasters and magnetic field stabilizers).

Instead of complaining about “toxic” players, just stand up yourself and help the newbros. That’s what I do. Be the change you wish to see.


“I’m confused about why you think new players deserve anything at all? That’s a serious question. Are you proposing social welfare in video games?” This was your first response to me. lol

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Yes, it sure sounds like you think new players should be treated better than other players. However, what have you done to help a new player lately? If you want to show kindness toward others, this is your chance right here today. Are you ready to help a new player, or not?

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There you go again, assuming and putting words in my mouth. Bad conversation.

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Do you even know one new player?

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Quite a few yes. I’ve been helping them knock out their AIR career program, I’ve taken some of them on L3 missions and helped them in fleets when people running them have been absolute garbage to them. Your point?

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Well, where’s the toxicity?

That’s my point.


So because I’m not being toxic towards them no one is. That’s good logic.


Ok… and who are you accusing of griefing who exactly?

Let us know when you have some specific grievance.

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Tbf sounds like you’re flying with wrong people, dude. If they’re toxic to you - just go change your friends or whatever, no? I tried FW, got bored of its toxic™ meta and decided to move to highsec doing elite pvp. Some time after that I got contacted with a cool offer which I accepted. Im learning lots of things about the game and having a blast playing it. Sounds like a “you” problem - again, just don’t fly with toxic people!


If you want to join Safety, let me know. Your newbro friends are also invited.

We have no skillpoint requirements, no mandatory fleets, no taxes.

We are a Highsec guild, based in Oisio and Yria.

We offer daily fleet content in that region.


OP is in SEADC, the biggest low effort and problematics magnet group out there. The only people who join that and stay there are the super lazy and/or problematic folks.


Even Cat Sky Live left that community because he said it was too toxic.