Is it against the rules to talk about sex?




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I dont know why would you like to talk about that right here. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

There are better forums to talk about that.

What’s with the freak threads today?

the game is very much rated and they even sensor what you say on the forums… welcome to the so un ■■■■■■■ cool pre 2020’s lol

I question the sanity of EVE players sometimes.

I dunno man, i made a perfectly normal, nice thread and then all these freaks started showing up here and derailing my thread.

Cool, where are they? Are they eve related?

Sure. What sex related topic would you like to discuss with us here?

Some people medical aspect or representation of sex is not as good as it should be.

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Only sometimes?


Sex happens…but there are lines. Had a guy in my Corp 10 years ago receive relief from a paid body broker while mining. His TS was not set to ptt so we heard the deal making phase. Most of us opted out for obvious reasons.

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Did you record it and put it on soundcloud?

I left the channel as quickly as I could.

What is read cannot be unread.

All the good sex talk happens on Discord anyways…

I miss the good old days of Dust 514 where there were open comms and people hit the bong every now and then. Just imagine the noise in open comms.

[sound of a lighter]

[sounds of someone inhaling while also hearing bubbles]

I still hear that occasionally when people refuse to use ptt.

When you see someone playing and chatting like he would be high, he probably is. :rofl:

When it walks like a duck…