Is there a route for querying system details in bulk?
I see EVE Swagger Interface route however, /universe/systems/{system_id} only gives one system detail.
For example if I want to query a route using EVE Swagger Interface with /route/{origin}/{destination} but with more details on the system I have to perform N follow up queries for each system in the returned route of system_id’s. Local caching aside, there is still the issue of that first uncached bulk query.
For example this is problematic if you want a command line tool (using PowerShell for example) to query a route with system details. You’re spawning off N thread jobs (not a problem but just moving parts to wait and receive results for) for each system in the route rather than just one more query for the bulk route details. For tools like this you’re probably not locally caching anyway for simplicity.
Basically spawning follow up queries in PowerShell like this
foreach ($system in $route){
if ($Parallel.IsPresent){
$threadJobs[$routeIndex] = Start-ThreadJob -Name $routeIndex -InputObject $system -ScriptBlock {Get-EveSystem -SystemId $input}
Well, what else is the API for if somebody doesn’t want it?
The whole point of the API is for somebody to use it.
I have no problem sending 100 query threadjobs every time I use the tool then. I am not going to bloat up my app just to suit your “no no” desires and hinder what is simply copy a PowerShell module across to deploy.
Everyone can file feature requests. To assert that CCP wants to comply to this and will is pire speculation. The time this request is open doesn’t really support your assertion.
I am sure the API doesn’t care about your problem and I have a guess who will “win” this fight…
Not yours no, if we followed your solutions, hosting a simple “hello world” in the cloud would have umpteen modules and services behind it and cost a fortune.