It's time: Eve needs something bigger than the Titan class vessel

So… stick a cloak in one of the highs, park it on a safe, cloak it, and then log off?

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Maybe we need flagships, so big and untouchable and harmless as it can be, so FC’s egos will finally get satisfied. :thinking:

They should be freaking expensive. :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag::moneybag:
No cargo bay or modules on them tho.


So… it’s a gimmick that may bring singe players back for a little bit before the novelty wears off. After that we are left with another ship class ccp has to juggle in the meta


So not a Corp level ship (carriers/dreads), not an Alliance Asset (supers/Titans)…

But you want in effect a Coalition Level Asset?
A Death Star?

Sure ok, whatever you can have it.
Must be really huge,
Like 10 Palatine Keepstars worth to build it.
Unable to cloak, wont ever dissappear from space…

Im assuming such a thing would be able to carry a Titan fleet in its belly correct?
Jump to area, pilots JC to it, undock SuperFleet?


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