Hello I offer for my corpmember and also some other Corps a Buy Service in Jita, now i make it Public and maybe some of you are intressted in this.
I Buy nearly all stuff ( exept damaged stuff andblueprints )
you can if you use this Greasemonkey Userscript Calculate how much i offer
I will Modify EvePraisal by adding also my Buyprice what i offer you and you can simple create me a Contract with the given amount if your intressted ( the tool also tells you if you should sell it directly if you get more then selling to me)
You need Grasemonkey installed then install the userscript ( its opensource so all is fine you can check yourself )
then take care that it is activated, and you can use it directly.
Maybe some of you are intressted if you just wanna sell stuff fast and wanna make a bit more profit then with jita directsell, i accept corretly created accounts dayly.
If you have questions feel free to ask or write me a Message ingame