Infernal Armada [R.MDA] is recruiting new and returning combat-focused players and industrialists, as well as veterans that enjoy working as a team, to join the Infernal Armada family. We are a PVP corporation focused on the new and returning player experience in nullsec and those veterans with something to teach. Industrialists with combat experience or are willing to earn some are encouraged to apply.
We are a proud member of the Warped Intentions Alliance and the Legacy Coalition. Our corp culture is that of a real-life-comes-first, drama-free community invested in each other’s mutual success. We like blowing stuff up, making ISK, telling dad jokes, and sharing dank memes. Pilots with good attitudes that work well in a team will feel at home here, regardless of PVP experience or skill. We are very active in AU and EUTZ; obnoxiously active during USTZ.
When you’re Infernal, you’re family
What We Offer
Tailored training plans
Free ships for fleets for new players
Access to endless large-engagement Alliance and Coalition PVP
Corp and alliance fun fleets & suicide roams
Alliance & corp logistics services
Well-developed markets, but tons of seeding opportunities
Fun, low hassle, drama-free culture
New-player friendly
Real-life-comes-first perspective
Corp & alliance mining ops
Moon mining
Extensive buyback programs
Comprehensive industrial infrastructure
Fleet activity incentives
An international community from all time zones
What We Require
Full ESI background check
Active on Discord and Mumble
Omega clone status
A team-focused perspective
Ability to train alliance doctrine fits
Desire and ability to actively participate in alliance fleets
Drama-free attitude
For more information, to submit your application, or to join us in Discord, please visit our website at
To speak with a recruiter, contact Bastion Ituin or Caurannus Decks (USTZ), or Kurokuma Inkura (AUTZ).