And we will break each and every single one, just like RTF. broke your Spirits in Tasti. Wouldn’t even undock against noob ships big O O F
Maybe, maybe not.
Is that acceptable to you?
imagine intentionally breaking the server and committing cyberwarfare to keep a bunch of pixels
this post was made by pandafam gang
I hope this causes CCP to realize Citadel Mechanics are garbage when it comes to TiDi and node crashes. Also I hope any group intentionally using smartbombs/burst jammers/ and target spectrum breakers to cause server lag to get a swift ban from ccp.
Server handeled it all fine untill goon jackdaw fleet got deleted. To not_goon smartbombs. Strange.
he is goons of cause it is more than acceptable to him
I’m expecting a really good excuse for this. ■■■■■■■ waste of time. Imagine spending so much resources on random Storms nobody asked for but then at what, 2.5k dudes the node crashes. Thank you so much ccp
This event, more than any other, has proven to me that CCP does not care about its players. TiDi affecting essentially every mechanic except repair timers, as well as the tolerance of efforts which were simply with the goal of crashing the server and making the game unplayable, rewards those who exploit the game to make it as un-fun as possible for everyone involved. CCP should either make further investments and optimizations to its hardware as needed to ensure it can handle the ultimate sandbox it claims to be, or end toleration of the frankly destructive and intentionally server-heavy tactics which were employed in order to crash the node in this battle.
You have to remember, CCP was cool with Mitten’s broadcasting a demand for a player to kill themselves. CCP never cared about the players.
if you mean the servers yeah lol
thought he got kicked off the CSM for that
Correction it handle fine until the Panfam fleets started to kill the Goon Rohks, Ravens and Praxis fleet.
Gigx got perma banned. Mittens got “punished”
he should have been permabanned
He did, and got an ingame ban for a month. Strange that people never mention that part
According to reddit we should be thankful tidi exisits
Gigx was Perma’d, why is Mittens still able to exist?
But… but… jackdaw fleet was the last to die before the crash…
I´m sure it´s nice to blaim everything on the sinister enemy but it´s servers fault: i bet i wasn´t even reinforced.