KVN-36 Node Death - 2020/08/21

You realize that it was an Imperium fleet getting smartbombed that triggered this…?

Would you rather have the dark times before TiDi back? I sure as ■■■■ don’t.

Stop beating the dead horse.


servers crashed because ccp could not handle the load. Maybe they have older equipment running this node, maybe a hamster died who knows.

But blaming anyone for using any fitting in the game is just being a poor looser. Can’t wait till yall get to delve


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Because of the differences between their actions/words + time: what was ok before became a no-no a few years afterwards.

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that keepstar needs to be set to its structure timer. this ■■■■ is absolutely ■■■■■■■ ridiculous. I’ve been playing this game for a decade and I do genuinely love it, but my respect for CCP wears thinner and thinner for all the times we as the players have to put up with your inability to make the game mechanics fair in the context of the hardware/software limitations of the game. Why is it that combat timers pause when nodes crash, but structure timers just keep going as if everything is fine? It is utterly absurd and illogical. this ■■■■ shouldn’t be so hard to figure out


What Mittens did was never okay. At no point has it been okay to tell a community to hound someone to commit suicide. But to be fair, CCP has been pandering to Mittens for years, still won’t save Goons.

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smells like favoritism


the solution is , 24 hrs after the timer started the Keepstar is put into the same position as when the server crashed. Fair chance for everyone to resume the fight


For those of you blaming CCP for ‘having bad hardware’ and ‘not caring about their players,’ let’s remember that Eve Online is one of the (if not the) only games in existence that allows such a large amount of players to fight at once. This game holds the top several spots for largest video game battles in history, and by an extremely large margin compared to other games. Even the big games like WoW crash when only a few hundred players attempt to congregate in one place, let alone thousands and let alone those thousands interacting with each other through combat.

With all that said something that does need to be addressed is that citadel timers and their damage caps aren’t subject to TiDi (that means that in 10% tidi the 75,000 DPS damage cap turns into 750,000 DPS, and the timer continues to count down in real time). I don’t know what the technical hurdles are to making these mechanics affected by TiDi, but such a change would fix a lot of issues that lead to large fights like this fizzling out.

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Look at the topic of this discussion. Where does it say mittens vs gigx? Oh yeah, it doesn’t.

Dead horse. Stop beating it.

Summer children spotted.


CCP should have just enterprized their software from the start, then they wouldn’t have had any problems.

So what your saying is that goons intentionally warped an entire jackdaw fleet in the hopes that there deaths would crash the server? Oof my guy


Pls tell me how exactly were they pandering to mittens?

Btw: your opinion on this matte may not be the same as CCP´s at the time.

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Look at the little Goon being sad people are spouting the truth about his alliance. Get out of here kid. Shoo back to SomethingAwful

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that would be a great way to approach the issue. maybe not 24 hours specifically, but I am sure with even some limited level of communication with the parties involved CCP could mediate a solution in that way. as it stands we get an all clear and working as intended and nothing else… that is not an advisable way to deal with an angry mob of players on one end and smug, undeserving victors on the other.

O-P/ 3500 in system - server didnt screw up
Y-2/ 4500 in system - server didnt screw up

KVN / 2500 in system - server crashes

ALL 10% TDI all keepstar battles. Each time Keepstar repairs RL time - KVN repairs when it was 20% armor cause of server crash , every fighter lost. CCP in bed with goons? :stuck_out_tongue: lol


and where’s your argument? looks to me like you have nothing better to contribute to this thread than trolling anyone who isn’t a goon, and talking about (according to you) a dead horse.

It was more like “battle was huge, aoe-stuff has been fired right left and center, but somehow some people instantly found who to blame”.

Tell CCP to focus a bit more on their servers than on skins and other semi-usefull crap that does not affect the game the same way as servers do.

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Let’s not waste time. Put the keep into it’s final timer. Result was never in doubt.
Repair timers in TiDi need to be fixed. The Y-2 Keep should be dead too.


i wonder if you would ask about the same thing if it would be NC/horde keep seiged by goons :smiley:

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Hey im just saying when someone uses a decent amount of ships that have SBs Bursts and Target breakers its pretty suspicious

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