This is probably not a usual request, but I’ve been gone for a while and am looking for the advice and suggestions on a mission ship. I used to play a great deal many years ago, but even back then I didn’t do missions much. I did a smattering of solo w-space and lowsec exploration, hidden combat sites, escalations, and pvp.
As far as fitting skills are concerned, I have or can within 24 hours T2 autos and missiles at all sizes, T2 medium blasters, t2 drones, minmatar battleship 5, gallente and caldari battleship 4, and additionally have access to all race’s strategic cruisers, HACs, and minmatar marauders. I can also fit T2 tank in shield or armor. So as you can see I have a lot of options, but minimal mission experience, and my time missioning was a long time ago.
Basically some IRL friends got me back into eve, but they do the whole casual highsec mission stuff, and I’d like to get involved as well. I just want a good all arounder ship, with a sizeable margin for error. Ideally I want to use autocannons, but my second preferred platform is missiles. I tend to lean more towards minmatar for that reason. I’d also like to not be a brick, because I’ve done that before in wspace when I was starting out, where I relied on some heavy tank and 0 mobility. But its not a deal breaker if I wind up having to sit down and dig in like with those bastion modules.
As far as price point, I would ideally not like to go higher than a billion isk, and I don’t much want to be a loot pinata. But I also want to be able to kill rats reasonably well quickly.
So what would be a good all arounder ship that fits those characteristics? Atm I’m actually kind of leaning towards a Machariel, though NOT blitz fit. Essentially take a hit to damagd output for more sustained tank so I can’t screw up. If that’s not a viable option, Vargur, Mael, or Typhoon are all pretty close as well I suppose. Or I could grab a Loki, but they don’t put out the damage levels I’m looking for. I’ve used a Loki extensively in wspace and lowsec doing sleeper sites and scann down complexes, and I want a little more oomph. When I was doing escalations and wspace tank was important. Now I just wanna blow stuff up. Thoughts?