As per title. Lazy bittervet looking for excuses to continue playing.
Right now life is so busy I just want to continue building the wallet.
Done flexing FW for a while. Pretty good ISK.
Then I got bored.
Started a corp for me and couple mates.
Got bored.
Skilled into Gila for abyss.
Got bored.
Now I want to go back to nullsec and be bored with lots of ISK.
CBA with all the third party shite. Just want to login, shoot red things and go about my day.
Probably won’t join big combat fleets for a few months. Too much RL to sit for 3 hours waiting for a shuttle to jump through.
Can’t remember the website to show off my skills. Toon has 15mil with no “specialisation” other than retribution, worm and gila. Half decent confessor skills.
If anyone wants me to setup that skills page just link it for me.