Looking to join a laid back corp for mainly the mining/industy with PI for that lazy ISK. A PVE side with good ratting areas is a bonus.
I am very happy to join PVP roams and to jump on comms and chat away.
Want somewhere that I have the option to help out and learn as well.
Very self sufficient so ideally looking for null or wormhole bros
Just want some cool bros to chill with.
Feel free to drop either McPenguin, Zeno Hekki or myself a message in game or reply on here.
Looking forward to hearing from you all.
Do you consider yourself a virtuous pod pilot Vox Boirelle? Do you really dislike vileness acts? The Virtus Crusade [VIC.] is calling every righteous soul to fight the waves of chaos and plunder, helping to build a New Eden where virtue thrives. Reject the path of chaos and vileness of indiscriminate plunder, pirating and destruction as proclaimed and fulfilled by entities like Goonswarm, Pandemic Horde and Test Alliance and all pirates and terrorists alike. Stand up against these despicable creatures and join the ranks of Virtus Crusade.
[Our narrative rephrased]
Virtus Crusade [VIC.] is an established corp of kindred spirits that has a character requirement (instead of a skillpoint requirement), with strong branches is PVP (>30.000 kills), PVE, industry and mining. As proud member of Curatores Veritatis Alliance [CVA] we uphold NRDS in whole EVE and hold sov in 1-1I53 and TXJ-II in Providence. We have all the different Upwell structures you need available. In PVP we fly everything from frigates up to blobs and capitals, making already more than 30.000 kills on the enemies of Provibloc. Providence is a regular target of different power blocks, so we have constant fights ranging from small fleet skirmishes to massive fleet fights.
Interested? Read more about us on our full recruitment add or join our ingame channel VIC Public.
I see the other responses to the post, unlike those there is no ‘copy and paste’ response from us…we take the time to get the right people that fit.
See Terrus post above, i think we could be a very good match, please drop us a mail or convo ingame.
Speak soon, GM