LF nullsec corp ~80m SP

Thanks for the reply, Joseph!
I am going to keep looking, because I am looking for a Nullsec corporation - unless you can make recommendations within your Alliance?

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Hi Atheos,

welcome back :slight_smile:
I see you got some interesting corps to choose from and i hope you give us a few mins of your time to check our option

Below you find a link to the 10 reasons why you should join us :slight_smile: Themorge — ImgBB

Take care and gl finding a new home


I respect that. We only live in lowsec so if that’s not what you’re looking that’s cool.

Best of luck in the search!


After multiple attempts to reach out to a recruiter today on discord and in-game, I decided to continue looking.

CCP prefers you to buy plex weekly for your ships.

Hey I think we might be what you are looking for.

Come check us out

Atheos Athonille, Did you find a Corp yet? We sent a mail to your main, we’d be very happy to have you join our community.

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