LF WH home 1500-2000hrs eve time

As mentioned in title. I have two high SP characters and a scanning alt. I was to join a WH corp. I am able and willing to fit into fleet doctrines and be a team member.

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hey there Ziggy, I am a director in a small group of corporations who are currently in the process of expanding into a wormhole with some very unique characteristics. If your interested, join our recruitment server, and we would be happy to talk with you, and explain more fully.


Check us out! [HOLES] Holesale Operations [WH - PVP] 🦞

I’ve been summoned… If you’re interested in microgang, hit us up.

There’s only one Negative Density!

Hello @Ziggy_Azzarelli ,

We are a super ACTIVE PVP WH Corp/Alliance. We would like for you to take a closer look at who and what we are in space…

Hope to see ya in space,

WHSOC -Jump to be Known

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