Little things / Small QoL suggestions

**Suggestion: Auto Cycle D-scan option. **
Keywords: UI, D-scan.
Note: Adding a auto-cycle D-scan function to help automate some features defensively so players are freed up when running missions and or high risk sites where they are quickly overwhelmed in situational awareness.

One of the problems that has irked me in EVE especially when trying to do Superior Sleeper Caches. Is how easy it is to be jumped by a Combat Probe user. Combat Probes tend to fix players positions alot faster than other probes. Especially if you are trying to manually maneuver a site keep the dangerous items like a deadly can or plasma container eyeballed and manually pilot and then hack its very easy to suddenly be overwhelmed. And then the scanning function of the D-scan can be overlooked or overshadowed by more pressing concerns.

And if you are not spamming the D-scan button consistently which can cause other unintentional problems on the UI. You might not catch the combat probes being deployed in your direction. And considering how many T2-T3 get much more aggressive bonuses to same said probes. You will get spotted fairly fast if you are not using ECCM which cross competes with fits and usually is not worth it.

So what is an overloaded player to do? Well add the option to “auto-cast”-“auto-cycle” now the autocycle can be set to a minimum of 10 secs. So there is that option. Or you can go longer if you think you are in a safe spot. But gives enough of a gap for a player to get the combats on you, but also enough of a chance to spot a potential threat without it being Omniscient.

It would be beneficial to players who do long range recon and exploration ops where things have to be micromanaged heavily. It would be helpful in some ways for players when doing extremely dangerous activities and allow some measure of defensive for timing but still allow the attacker the time to get an attack on you.

Although I am not sure how this will work especially if one begins to deploy defensive assets like cloak reveal which is supposed to be added in soon. Although I prefer it as a passive defensive measure with auto-cycle on. Active Defense would be a decloaking system.