You make a fair point, I’d be happy loosing instant dotlan information as long as there is no local in nullsec, permanently.
This is the only point, after all.
And don’t forget about indexes and kill counters.
- lore-wise: you report your NPC kills to Concord to receive bounties, disable npc kills reports and you should get no bounties for NPCs in null as well.
- game feature-wise CCP will have to butcher their new shining toy: The Agency that shows number of anoms in nearby space. Any changes would indicate that someone is there ratting.
The issue with this is that it biases the game more towards larger alliances / coalitions who can afford to place that on every single system they control. Perhaps instead it can be driven by activity, i.e. systems which have a higher level of ‘friendly activity’ get local restored by Concord, where backwater systems that nobody does anything in other than flying through, loose it.
Also loosing Local would be a great thing for the social side. I mean, the amount of racism, sexism, homophobia etc that goes on, that you CANT OPT OUT OF - if you want to be part of a racist corp, go do that, because we have the option of opting out. But when it’s local, you can’t leave that. Kill Local FTW!.
Not that it affects me personally. I’ll answer the question though. Players took the rules and made it that way. Pretty clear that bothers the old school PVP elite that wanted enough passive income instead of having to work for it so they could do nothing but PVP. I’ll still be here when local goes down, no reason for me to leave yet.
If WH are so good with no local, why not WH’s with cyno’s?
Because it is not in the knows Space ? Or it will come in an Expense later ?
Or we get a LocalChat Upgrade for iHubs… let us see what will come.
oh man thats the best idea iv seen yet to use against WH nyaa nyaa we cant be touched arguments around here. thank you.
now all we need is BOB.
Bad idea! Everyone around in null is in panic! Or thinking of going to WH or other games! All the best
Well did you see their reaction to the HIC change which stopped easy hole control. If they had no ability to do hole control this would still not be as oppressive as cyno’s.
Anyway most people refuse to acknowledge the other point of view and only push what makes things work easier for them. Most WH players have wanted the ability to come out of a hole and go to town and they have now got it, it will turn into bitterness once they realise the chilling affect that their easy ride and the easy ride of hot droppers will have.
Prediction time: Medium and small entities what there are of them will largely leave nullsec, those that stay will not do any PvE and indy, but more as a honeypot. The bigger entities will lose people who will find the risk too great, but will gain some of the more committed indy players from elsewhere. People going into those area for fun times will instead find just how un-fun a big block can make it and then the bitching about Titans and Supers will get even louder.
PS This embargo on hisec could now be seen as more of a defensive move by nullsec because they don’t want indy players to set back up in hisec. Though as they said they were going to do this in May before the Drifters and before no local, I doubt they knew about this. In any case it would fit with the Goon mentality to push that.
I find this very interesting. I have been a firm believer that Null Sec is pretty safe. I have concerns though on the impact this will have with the community as a whole. Everything from current availability of all items, to the perspective player base of the game. My biggest concern is smaller groups in Null. These groups will have to take more extreme cautions, or losses depending how they play. Cautions being more people online doing the same thing at the same time, to provide a since of “protection”. Where this aspect is only one way to defend yourself. It could be quite off-putting for many players. Players log in they want to play how, and when they wish too. Those times do not always line up. Now do not take my rebuttal of this system to convey my full feelings on this change. I do believe that it will possible bring back hunting to the game a bit, and help with boting issues. The real question it all comes down too is will hunting be as stagnate as it is now with all the people instant docking / logging off with the local being visible? Because, it could possibly be with people being discouraged ie: unsubbing, not playing in Null Sec, etc… In my own opinion, I support this change. I do think they also need to take the structure(number) away as well. If you can’t see local then there should be no way of knowing how many are docked in a structure you do not have access to. I do however, hope CCP would consider putting in a “Flare” type module for structures. Something that could be activated once every so often maybe hours delay, that would act as a flare, and make local structures etc system wide visible for a very short period of time. This imo would balance the idea of cloaky camping. If I log into my system, and there is already a person cloaked up, I have zero way of knowing. (This seems one sided), Now if I could use a “flare” type module even if it acted in the same way as moon probes. I would be like lets set up a trap, or we can do something else. Now also if there was a long delay on this module it would provide only slight protection. It would still give the cloaky camper all the power in wither he engages, or not. Local would still be not visible for him, thus the hunter could become the hunted. Because at the point where they activate the blackout in its current form. Cloaky has all the advantage. They can be AFK, know how many people in which stations, see non cloaky ships on dscan. etc… I think it would go a long ways with the community in activate the blackout, but also give a module for combating the repercussions in a controlled form.
@CCP_Falcon local blackout huh why not then go full circle and disable ratting/ADM/zkill info on regular map not to mention dotlan… just so those elite PVP fuckers do some ACTUAL hunting not just sitting and waiting for stats on third party pages like ■■■■■■■ farming miners in their rorquals… then brag about a kill and salt farmed which they didn’t even earn but just checked on some info (ratting delta)not even in game and then came pick the ripe fruit
if it’s suppost to be no mans land make it so do some more anarchy let us all suffer
so PVP actually becomes more fullfilling
best regards
I support this, don’t go half cocked, go all in.
They should just knock out local across the game and have done with it.
I love the idea, but I am afraid that a lot of players might leave because of it. I think there should be a way to keep something like local… for example a building that needs fuel that monitors the number of players from outside the corp that owns it in the system.
Stop crying about blackout! - Adapt, evolve, survive!
GJ CCP!!! 07
The Blackout will not kill NS…
… imagine if CCP disables Asset Safty for the NS …
Just because people have a difference of opinion, does not mean they are crying. Promoting ideas is how the game can grow. Instead of name calling, post your opinion of the blackout.
Well hunting should be hunting, it should not be themepark hunting.
Nah, nullsec is enough.
I am a little confused about what is going to happen to NPC nullsec, is that having this applied to it too, has anyone heard anything definite on this?
Crying would assume that I am being directly impacted, though I think the balance for an individual player is now out of kilter, though this is necessary for the overall game balance. The issue you are going to have is that many people are going to adapt right back to hisec.