Log In trouble

I am having trouble with logging into the test servers. I have confirmed my login info is correct so I don’t know what is going on. Any help would be great.

Could you be a bit more specific? Are you getting a particular error? Is there a point during login that something fails? Are you able to register an account in the launcher but not launch a client?

While I’m not Baradinn, I’m having trouble getting in too.

I’m getting certificate errors from the launcher when switching it from TQ to sisi, the first popup has:

Server’s certificate has expired.

https ://launcher.testeveonline.com/1058/#sisi

from LogLite when switching:

warning 2017-08-16T15:44:44 7108 C :/games/apps/EVE/Launcher/evelauncher.exe xxx evelauncher web certificateError -201 https ://sisilogin.testeveonline.com/Account/LogOff?ReturnUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fsisilogin.testeveonline.com%2Foauth%2Fauthorize%2F%3Fclient_id%3DeveLauncherTQ%26lang%3Den%26response_type%3Dcode%26redirect_uri%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fsisilogin.testeveonline.com%2Flauncher%3Fclient_id%3DeveLauncherTQ%26scope%3DeveClientToken user
info 2017-08-16T15:44:58 7108 C :/games/apps/EVE/Launcher/evelauncher.exe xxx evelauncher web info: News list updated 1 https ://launcher.testeveonline.com/1058/bundles/scripts41fc.js?v=lxD_Tw_Ltt42EnCB54YuZ9_4T7Wvco7rqHt8ya4Q7HE1
warning 2017-08-16T15:44:58 7108 C :/games/apps/EVE/Launcher/evelauncher.exe xxx evelauncher web certificateError -201 https ://slinger.testeveonline.com/launcher/refresh
info 2017-08-16T15:45:03 7108 C :/games/apps/EVE/Launcher/evelauncher.exe xxx evelauncher web info: Successfully loaded ads 1 https ://launcher.testeveonline.com/1058/bundles/scripts41fc.js?v=lxD_Tw_Ltt42EnCB54YuZ9_4T7Wvco7rqHt8ya4Q7HE1
warning 2017-08-16T15:45:06 7108 C :/games/apps/EVE/Launcher/evelauncher.exe xxx evelauncher web warning: Slinger encountered an issue and responded with 501 1 https ://launcher.testeveonline.com/1058/bundles/scripts41fc.js?v=lxD_Tw_Ltt42EnCB54YuZ9_4T7Wvco7rqHt8ya4Q7HE1
warning 2017-08-16T15:45:06 7108 C :/games/apps/EVE/Launcher/evelauncher.exe xxx evelauncher web warning: Slinger encountered an issue and responded with 501 1 https ://launcher.testeveonline.com/1058/bundles/scripts41fc.js?v=lxD_Tw_Ltt42EnCB54YuZ9_4T7Wvco7rqHt8ya4Q7HE1

If I then attempt to login I get:

An error occured

within nothing new in LogLite.

(spaces added inside links to let this new poster post.)

YES, the latest problem with the launcher can be solved by launching the game from the server list, open the eve launcher and select the menu(an icon with 3 bars and a triangle on it) on the top right corner then select server list… finally click play on singularity.

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I can confirm this has worked!

i was having the same issues.


I can log into Tranquility with no issues. If I change over to Singularity I get a message that reads “username or password invalid”

I’ve got the same issue, username and password works for tranquility but i can’t login with them on singularity “username or password invalid”

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i have the same issue i can log in in tranquility but can’t log in in singularity.