Looking for a corp to bring me back into the game

Hi Doc and welcome back to EVE

The description of what you are looking for would pretty much fit with what we are looking for within new corp mates.

We are one of the if not the oldest corporation in ‘The Initiative.’. Our corp members are playing quite some time and are very senior in the game.

What we like are player who are willing to contribute to the success of the corporation and the alliance. We can cover almost every aspect of Eve. Be it mining, production, PvP, PvE, FW… you name it. Our corporation stands for collegiality. There is always a helping hand, if one is needed.

What we don’t want is drama or selfish players. Our corp is what it is, because we look out for each other. As part of the best alliance, the “familiy” feeling is overarching and continous within the alliance as a whole.

Should you be interested to learn more, please join our ingame recruiting channel ‘Thunderkitty’.

Fly safe o7