Looking for a friendly corp

I have started over, my previous account had over 17m+ sp.
and now im a noob again.

I don’t have any major requirements, only if you can offer me some fun things to do.

But I would very much like to learn PvP, have only played by myself so have only done mission running and trading.

My Discord Gratisfika#7186

Join brave newbies my dude

Come swing by our discord :slight_smile:

We may be able to offer you a home

@Primeryissecondary is this one for you?

1 Like

Hi Ferd,

thanks for the heads up

@Triven_Ditra have a look at our post m8, we might be what you are looking for


Hail Triven,

The Virtus Crusade Highsec Chapter [VICHC] might just be for you when you dislike pirates and gankers as much as we do and are pure and righteous of heart. We are looking for miners, industrialists and combat pilots alike. We will help you, train you and bring you up to speed with EVE, the most complex game you have ever played. This while living safe in highsec with our Highsec Chapter. [VICHC] is your steppingstone for full membership of the Virtus Crusade. When you are ready we will help you move the current home of the Virtus Crusade in 5-MQQ7, where we live with our alliancemembers of -7-, and help you with your first steps and adventures in 0.0 space. You want to chat with us, join our VIC Public channel ingame or join our discord server ([VIC.] Virtus Crusade).

Ad Majorem Virtus Gloriam,

Stop into our discord and have a chat with us. We are a great grohp to hang out and learn with.

Triven Ditra, Welcome back, we have a great group of guys and girls, in game mail sent, we’d be happy to help you get back on your feet. Feel free to reach back so we can get started on bringing you up to speed.

Hey bro, sound like you be a good fit sent you a request in disvord and a in game mail lets talk.

In game mail sent Triven Ditra, drop by our Discord if you have interest/questions.

FREGE corporation is interested in you. This is a general run down of our community. Hope we are a fit.

You are probably asking yourself How can I make the most isk possible. Or How can I get to blow ■■■■ up on a regular. Whichever it may be the following is a list of our current Divisions and thier roles in the Corporation.

Mining - This division is the backbone of any organization and FREGE is no exception. If you join the Mining Division You will be partipating in mining ops from top quality resources secured by FREGE. Bistot, Crokite, also ops to mine the needs for our Manufacturing Division.

Manufacturing- This Division is the cornerstone to creating the content we all enjoy. It feeds our Markets, Military, and Mining with the equipment needed to rule the Universe.

Marketing Division- This Division is what fuels our constant demand for ISK. It is our bread winner. Utilizing the accumalitive work of the other divisions It turns our hard work into Hard Cash.

Security Division - This Division is charged with protecting Corporate Assets in space. Mining Op security, Logistics Security, Base Defense. Without Security our assets is the key component to maximizing our capabilities.

Military Division - This Division is Charged with Showing force and the Might of FREGE. It is comprised of Elite Combat Pilots who fight the wars for our assets and resources. They are often sent into 00, low-sec, WH space where ever they are needed to secure the safety of FREGE Members and Territory. Ensuring the survival of our way of life.

Intelligence Division - This Division is charged with Monitoring Threats to FREGE. both internal and external. Be prepared to wear many hats as information is always at a premium. Anywhere from creating spys to infiltrate our enemies, gathering intel in cov ops ships for fleet manuevers.

Logistics Division - This division is charged with moving goods and assets throughout the Alliance Trade hubs. They link all the divisons together in and are the bloodline of our Organization.

Each division is of equal importance. They all work together to form A chain that is strong enough to allow each of us to Enjoy the aspect of the game we want too. While having an enjoyable time whilst we do so.

Please send me an evemail privately of which division you want to be a part of. What your experience level is.

The FREGE community has been around for 18yrs in January. We welcome you into the fold and hope that your time is as enjoyable as it has been for the thousands that have come before.

Thank You for your Time,

Triven, we’d love to help you get the most out of your reset experience :slight_smile:

Are you still looking for a corp? If so, you sound like you’ll be right up our street for who we’re looking for.

We have a highsec and nullsec base of ops, with no obligations like paps and faps and fats and whatnots.

The ONLY request is that when structures do come under fire, we all make some sort of effort to turn up, but that is on a corp level, and if it’s not in your timezone, then so be it.

Would love to chat with you further. Please see spam below:

✯ AUTZ ✯ ISK ✯ PVE ✯ Industry ✯ PVP ✯
Long-standing corporation, recently undergone complete overhaul. We are looking for both veteran and newbro pilots.

We have a presence both in nullsec and highsec, and will remain ‘Not War Ellibigle’ for the foreseeable future.

Mature audience. Bring candy. Primarily AUTZ corp, but alliance is USTZ.

We offer a comprehensive rewards scheme and league ladder:

✯ Top Point Earners
✯ Top Bounty Earner
✯ Mining Ops
✯ Top Miners of the Week

Other main points include:

✯ Not War Ellibigle
✯ No SP requirements
✯ Highsec+Nullsec base
✯ Easy-going environment
✯ We play a host of other games as well

Ingame channel: Coalition of Carebears
Website application: http://eve-hr.com/uod


we are in scalding pass , we mainly do indy/pve with pvp on the the side.
if ya want learn more about us join our discord and see if we are a fit for you REPZ

Check out the Vanguard Syndicate friend

ure more then welcome to have some fun

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