Looking for a home for a new Omega clone

I am a rusty player, and I just bought a month of Omega clone status on a brand new account on a good CCP deal, and I would like to make the most of this month. If needed, I may swing another month or two out of pocket, but I would like to see if that can be avoided.

I am looking for a corp to help me with a skill plan and an environment where I can see if there is a way to completely finance this account just through in game play.

This new toon is nearly done with the career agents, and I am about to start running missions unless I can find a better solution.

What I can offer a good corp with friendly people is loyalty and a willingness to dig in when necessary when the corp needs me. I am completely malleable and ready and willing to learn whatever I can to make us both a success. I probably have the most experience in wormholes, and the least experience with PvP, but I have a decent understanding of game mechanics.

I am in the west coast US time zone.

If you think I could be a good fit, let me know.


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