Looking for a null sec

Small corp looking for a null sec alliance!! We are a industry and mining corporation formed from cople friends. If there is any null sec alliance rdy to take a small corp off miners and industry please send a discord invitation were we can talk. Dont spawn with adds please.!!

Really depends on a lot of factors, First how small. 5 players, your best bet is to join an established Null corp. Most blocks have a vetting time, say 6 months you meet requirements or your out.
Others if you can afford it, will rent you space to call home each month. etc.
We can always chat more and Im happy to help/answer questions.

Every block will have a system in place to either tax or charge you, that’s just reality. Who pays for the upgrades, the forts, keeps. the Ansi networks (granted much smaller now) etc. I cant think of a single block that will just GIVE you a system. now some blocks have open null space you can use yes, but will be taxed all the same in one way or another.
INIT has a tax system but open space and taxed moons, I love it
PANFAM has systems in place for a smaller corp to join and use assigned systems. you have options!! Also you can check out Goons, I dont know much on the system they use, and some smaller alliances may fit the bill.
Im sure you will find a place to call home in time! Fly safe 07

come have a chat bud


We might be something for you. We are currently 3 players and are in the growing state. We are part of a nullsec alliance. You don’t have to pay anything besides the usual taxes on pve. On top we have 100% ally srp and corp srp. So you literally make money on fleets.
Only thing we want is 4 fleets per 3 month.

If you are interested join on discord and let’s have a chat: Monkey Scumbucket Consortium


Check us out!