Looking for a welcoming nullsec corp

I am looking for a new corp to play with and friends to make as my old corp was evicted from their space and has become inactive and died. I would like to return to nullsec space and meet some friends to enjoy the game with. I am a social person who plays a couple nights per week. I would like to have people to play with/socialise with when I am in game.

I am united states eastern timezone.
27mil SP main character and I have two accounts.

Thanks for your time!

Hello there,

Would you be interested to live in WH space?

you are welcome with us


REPZ is an industrial corp looking for pilots to join us in null - Corporations & Alliances / Recruitment Center - EVE Online Forums](REPZ is an industrial corp looking for pilots to join us in null - #6 by Amelia_BloodRaven_Trace)

Hi, Could this be of any interest for you? Write your own story - Join a world building project to make a faction #PvE #Industrial #Faction Warfare #Piracy #Politics # Roleplay #High/Low/00/WH Sec #Faction missions # Citizenry #Social structure #Deathrace

----------------- Corp Found thanks for the replies-----------------------

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