Hey there! If you are interested in WH’s give the fine people at Phantom Operatives a shout! We’re super casual WH corp that farms C3’s and take advantage of whatever pvp oppurtunities bob provides us. We have a small but steady core of players, mostly USTZ, although we’d love to get some more EUTZ people. Anyway, I hope to seeya around! Please send me an in-game mail if your interested, or haunt the channel “Phantom-PUB”! Thanks and have a great day!
A little bit about us:
We’re on the smaller side, usually 4-7 active players although we are continually growing. Our usual op is rolling a C3, murdering anyone out in the space if possible, and if no one is there and its crammed with combat sites and sigs, we’ll scan and run it! If that sounds like a good time, send me an in game mail and I’ll be able to get you into discord around 5pm central (another central player, yay!!! Mostly East coaster in here now.) We’re mostly older players 30-50 with a few 18 or early 20’s scattered in there. Good luck in your search and fly safe!