Looking for Active Friendly Corp

:wave: @Alexxander_Anderson

Wellcome to Eve Online :rocket: :+1:
I hope you will have a good time with us in the eve online community.

Feel free to ask any questions you might bump into during your adventures through the https://forums.eveonline.com/c/new-citizens or the new players chat channel in the game. You will quite fast discover that eve onlines players are quite helpfull.

As for your post i can offer you this:

Roleplaying player made lore based upon the eve lore stories & a player government to boot. Recruiting! it’s an uniqe idea of mine that i am trying to develop that you may not be able to find anywere else in the game. It may not be apealing to everyone but atlest alot of people wish it to come true and see something new in the game that they have not seen before.

Contact me if you find the idea interesting and would like to know more about it. A conversation will give you more info then you can get from the post i have posted.