Looking for Alliance for our small corporation

Hi Kibbler!

I sent you a mail in-game, but here’s the link to my corp’s recruitment ad:

We’re a corp dedicated to helping new(er) pilots dive into New Eden, and we supply you with all kinds of support to help you on your journey. Our alliance holds its own space (we don’t rent), we’re allied with a large, diverse group of people active at all hours of the day, and I’m specifically active during PST primetime so I’d be on hand to help you with whatever resources you need.

You can also visit my Discord with any questions, and we can get acquainted there: Akadeimia Keipouron SVK

We’d be happy to have you in our alliance as a corp, but if you decide later you’d like to fold in to one of ours, that’s always an option as well. Whatever works best for you and your people.

Welcome to New Eden!

Looking forward to working with you. Fly safe!
