Looking for just focus on titan skills around 40m sp
I have a Perfect Rag/Avatar pilot with multiple skins and clones. Very focused toon more than 40 mil skill points. Also Rorq pilot. let me know if your interested
link it please or evemail me in game and we can work out a buy out offer
Will do, not in NPC corp just yet. Moving a few assets and getting ready for sale. 76 mil Skill points, perfect fitting/support skills. T2 cap guns for both. Perfect jump skills, cal/fuel conservation. All DD skills to 5. Mim Titan 5, and Avatar titan 5. Full Slave clone. Almost all skins for Avatar, 4-5 skins for Rag. 86 kills on Zkill………. No losses. All kills with titan.
This sounds perfect
see in game mail
I’ll check it when I get home thank you!! I look forward to working with you
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