Looking for corp. UK/EU based

Wouldn’t it be abit funny atleast to see how fun you would have with us in UMAH? Considering our corp name, I assume you might close your eyes BUT … we do and offer alot more then mining, I promis :smiley:

First… Umah Recruitment thread ← Some info about corp.
Second: Alliance (Vega) whom we are part of.

We live out in NPC nullsec with our own structure network … means ofc we tend to have a CTA here and there but it’s with no obligation to login, you play your EVE time to enjoy and not as duty - so yea, we are a RL prio corp.

What we are aswell, is way to old to deal well with drama, toxic behaviour and such. If you find yourself being that - Im sure you wanna look for another place <3

UMAH ain’t a newly formed corp, we aren’t the big fish either so we got alot to learn and go by ‘trial and error’, learn by doing … so any player who wish to join us, I ask to be humble, friendly and have the attitude where we grow and learn together. What you do effect the corporation, for sure!

So what to do around here?
Up to lvl 4 missions, decent exploring, Cta (defensive and offensive), small blops happen, small gang roam, a gate camp from time to time ofc :slight_smile: can i mention mining at all? :wink:

Anyways, if you think it might be something for you (exclude the mining part), haha… contact me in Umah_Pub ingame (my discord details is there aswell)

Hope you find the perfect match mate!