Hey man!
Our group sounds like a pretty good fit for you. We’re based in Stacmon - 17 jumps from Jita and 9 from Dodixie. We have two standing fleet nights - a PvE night Thursdays at 0100, and a PvP fleet Saturdays at 0100. We also do random fleets unscheduled PvP fleets during the week, at least one but usually more - all between 0000 and 0300.
We’re relatively small - we have 18 people total and we’re drawing 8-10 people to the scheduled fleets. We’re a mix of vets and new players all interested primarily in learning to PvP better, so it’s a good time to join if you want to learn with a small group.
Check us out here here and contact me if you’re interested: South of Heaven [SOHCO] Seeks Casual PvPers!. Good luck on your search!