Looking for mercs to teach BLACKFLAG a lesson

As a wise woman once said:

The moonshine lights up the night to be like day for you to hunt your prey!

Not anymore as the wreck stays there for only two hours and anyone can salvage it as well but if you are there when it explodes you have a good chance even if others try to salvage it at the same time, just have enough cargo space for the structure components to fit in your cargo hold and lots of salvagers to have a good chance.

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I had watched two explode one that Code. blew up and another Frostpacker blew up.

The time Frostpacker blew one up I couldnā€™t salvage and thought it was due to my skill levels at the time.

Thanks for the screenshots and idea of perhaps following Blackflag around to try and steal loot in Y125

If you have not enough cargo space then an error message will pop up so I assume that is what happened to you as well.

Though not sure how things changed after the addition of citadel cores and they may also altered the related salvage mechanics as it was years ago Iā€™ve last did this but maybe there is related info on the UniWiki or elsewhere or can ask around for such on the forums, r/Eve, in-game chat or whatever.

Btw yes it might be worth it though I think trying to steal the core is better ISK although much greater risk as well as you have to go suspect and need a much larger cargo hold too I think.

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If you have low salvaging skills you may not have enough % chance of success to attempt it. Wrecks have a different level of difficulty (larger = harder). If the salvage volume is greater than your cargohold then itā€™ll just dump it into a cargo can next to you.

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I learned Kane a thing, iā€™m now ready to win eve


It is not everyday that you get to teach a god a thing or two.


Post of the decade :trophy:

123 posts were split to a new topic: [Split Topic] - Ganking

Ahem, biological male?

Split large amount of off topic to [Split Topic] - Ganking

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ā€œIf you find yourself in a fair fight in EVE, you went in underpreparedā€ ~ some wise EVE player many moons ago.

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Holy Necro Batman

Wow, the thread appeared for me for some reason.

No idea why it hadnā€™t locked after three months.

Not all do it seems. I noticed over time certain portions of the forum will have the ā€œpost will lock after 3 monthsā€ others wont

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BLACKFLAG definitely behind this.

Closed necro post.