Looking for nice layed back corp

Hey man I think you’ll find we have a lot of the things you are looking for. As I read your list of wants and needs each reminded me of our corp and its goals and mentality. We offer a chilled laid back group of people to spend you time with, some of whom are German, allowing you to enjoy your time flying through out New Eden. I know you said PVP is something you would only try if there was someone to teach you how to do so and I am happy to say that is also something we can offer. We have fleet pings going out almost 24/7 with a large chunk of them being in the EU timezone. We are a null sec corp. Regardless of whether you want to be a f1 monkey or part of a specialized group blowing up Rorquals deep in enemy space we are the group for you. We also understand how drama is one of the worst parts of life in New Eden so we do are best to stay as far away from it as possible. Whether its mining, ratting or something else we encourage all we look for are active and productive members willing to contribute and we believe you are most likely to do so when you are enjoying the task you are setting out to complete. If interested feel free to join our public channel FREAS.Public or message me in game. I will also leave our forum post below so you can gather more info about us.

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