Looking for a PVP centred corp that primarily does small gang warfare in EUTZ that either lives in WH space or possibly low sec. Not looking for nullsec alliance corps.
My main has near 100 million SP and is exclusively specced to subcap PVP. My experience in PVP, however, is minimal other than F1 fleets a number of years ago.
So hopefully there is a corporation that can help me learn the basics and give feedback on what I should be doing rather than making me throw 60 million ships down the toilet without knowing what went wrong. I’d really like to know the ins and outs of PVP and understand correct decision making based on the situation.
I am on most evenings 1600 - 2200 GMT+1. After that I need to leave because I start work very early.
yo m8, well EUs here and perfect gaming time match… were about 25 active all the time, more on fleets etc, voer all aspecta of the game, have proper training for pvp and pew,pew pirates… putting some blinking lights on the ships… have a look, good fun and immersive “role”…