Main AFK cloaky thread

So why did you of all people decide to start a new thread?

Because this thread is for whinners :rofl:

This thread is a waste of time. Your new one is an equal waste of time.

No both threads make those who whine about cloaking feel better because they can post their whine and get it off their chest :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Plus it can be pure entertainment :rofl:

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Weā€™ve seen two new threads started by cowards complaining about cloaky camping. I wonder who is attack who in nullsec this time. :thinking:

well it is not just complaining scoots

it is a big difference having ppl cross the systems and that way disrupt gameplay

or if someone just hangs a cloaky in system and (you do not know when) is mostly afk working on different toons

training a cloaky alt on youre for example jita tono acount wich you commenly do not have online but can hang almost 24/7 cloaked while there is no way of detecting him / fighting him
that is just dumb

if ccp would implant a way you could find them /put a fuel requirement in cloakies than it would change cause than they need a logistical system to refuel or have to actualy monitor it so they do not get caught

you forget the main thing zora

not everyone in nulsec is a botter

If you could find cloaked ships, that would render the cloak module useless. What you are suffering from is called Pixel Fear. You are scared of one little unknown in your system. Do high sec players cower in fear because there are cloaked gate scouts in every other system? Nope. They still undock and go about their business every single dayā€¦

there is a huge difference between highsec and nulsec

and it would not render the cloak module useless it just means ppl have to be active
if it is to much to ask ppl to be active instead of just hanging cloaky afkers they should maybe find somethign else to do with theyr playtime

wich is also why i putted this in my csm aplication threat cause if i would get elected that would be of the things i would bring up

CCP hasnā€™t changed cloaks in 17 years. This thread has been going on for years and is now over 6,000 posts long. Itā€™s not going to happenā€¦

mos people in this thread are just discussing bots and rmters

it is like they believe all ppl that live in nulsec are rmters and botters wich is absolutly not the case

Still, the fact remains that you are scared of one little unknown in your system. If you arenā€™t botting, then simply watch dcan, pay attention, and go about your business. Iā€™m going to tell you the same thing weā€™ve been telling EVE players for 17 years now. Donā€™t undock what you canā€™t afford to loseā€¦

oke quake god that is a very very interesting point
how am i suppose to see the cloaky on d scan ?

You wonā€™t if heā€™s cloaked, but if heā€™s cloaked then he is absolutely no threat whatsoever. You canā€™t do anything while cloaked, canā€™t activate any modules. If that cloaked ship wants to do anything to you, light a cyno, tackle you or whatever, he will have to de-cloak in order to do it. A cloaked ship is absolutely zero threatā€¦

and the thing is that 1 unknown thign that hangs there from downtime to downtime all the owner has to do is log him in and press f1 just after downtime what is the fair thing abotu that if there is no mechanic of having a option to find and fight him

they are invisble on d scan and uncloak right next to you so paying attention has nothing to do with it

Donā€™t know what to tell you then except you canā€™t be scared all the time. The same thing can happen to players in high sec. Someone can be sitting right next to them in a cloaked ship and their buddies can warp in on him and gank him. But does that stop players from mining and flying around in 4 billion ISK mission runners? Nopeā€¦

oke in short quake than i go login to the game

why is it so much to ask that people have to be active instead of just hanging semi afk
if they cant control mroe than a X number of toone same time than they should not play mroe than that x number of toons

a simpel solution beside fuel requirement would be a auto afk system that people who are afk longer than a x amount of time automaticly log out of the game
than yes that would already be a improvement but also that is exactly what the owners of afk cloakers do not want

Easily circumvented by having an auto-hotkey press a button or click your mouse once every so oftenā€¦

and that would be botting youre not allowed to automatise the system