Main AFK cloaky thread

And do you actually think that stops players that bot? No, that’s why there are still thousands of them, especially in null…

i agree that bots have to be targetted
dotn get me wrong about that

it is just that most ppl are udner the impression that because there are botters in this game they can just target what ever system to hang a alt in
if they think there is a bot active in a specific system they can monitor it and report the bot
than ccp can monitor it and decide if it is a bot or a player

that is a different thing than the massive amount of cloaky campers that are just hanging as eyes every given day in nuslec

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll all for non-afk gameplay. I’d like to get rid of afk nullsec anomaly ratters and miners while we’re at it, but CCP isn’t going to change cloaks to do it…

oke yes ppl can use ships to semi afk rat but ccp already works on that “the vni changes” and do you realy think miners survive if theyr afk mining ? for long…

i have bin accused many times of botting but you kn ow what the funny part is they accuse me after i talk to them in local

the whole reason why ppl think miners are botters is because they escape theyr gang

ppl dont wanna do good honest work for a kill they only want easy kills

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and dont get me wrong it is not that i escape every gang i also lose ships while mining

but that is when i dotn pay cattention at the wrong moment so i warp out to late when they enter local by gate / wh

i dont flame at them when they catch 1 of my miners , that is just part of the game

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@boernl All of your points have already been addressed/debunked numerous times in this thread. It is quite frankly tiresome to go back and address them once again.

Bottom line, the only thing that is broken about cover ops is that it isn’t covert. From the first day I cloaked my ship I wondered how is this supposed to be covert if I still show up in local. cloaking should remove you from local and disable chat. Problem solved.


That seems to be like saying all players in null are bots?

that has bin debunked aswell

why does the only thing that devides nulsec from wormholes have to be changed?

like i mention countless times
what is wrong with honest hard work to get ur kills

that is why ppl are trolling this threat and why i didnt respond but only was readign for a while

not all in nuslec are bots most of us are hard workin players that became pretty good in arping somewhere when neutrals come in system

no need to shut local down so they can get easy kills let em work for it

There is only one covert ship that doesn’t have a 10 second lock delay penalty. And it has a tank of a paper airplane.

If you can’t get away from a ship that has a Locktime + 10 second delay, when you already knew they were in system due to local intel, you are doing something wrong.

derath youre talking abotu the recloaking time with a paper tank

they unloakc have a less than 4 seconds lock time while msot ships have mroe than 5 seconds to get in warp they light the cyno

if there was a mechanic that you could find them that would be different but there is not

Well, all I can suggest is you live a wh for a mo, afk cloaks wont bother you after that.

The other thing I get from this thd is I can take the 6 alts I have free atm, send each into a null sys in just a scout ship/cloak and disrupt gameplay WAY outta proportion to its firepower? I gotta do this! :rofl:

if you could find them than you know there is 1 and maybe you still spend enough tiem findign him but than he has to be active to escape the hunters

big difference active player or afk player with cloak

like i mentioned before i putted this in my csm aplication threat

and if i get elected i will bring this isseu to the attention

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Um no, I’m not. I’m talking about lock time. A covert ops cloak introduces a 10 second sensor recalibration penalty. That means you cannot even start a lock for 10 seconds. The only ship that removes this penalty is a stealth bomber.

I’ll just leave this here. Maybe you will learn something.

1 thing i do see you used to be a wormhole warrior wich is fine just do not have the expectation that all have to turn into a wh because of that

Well the point is, learning to survive in a WH would help those in 0.0. I rarely lost PVE ships in a WH because I ran with the expectation I was going to get jumped. I often was triple boxing, 2 running sites and a third with a noctis. 99% of staying alive was simply staying aligned and watching short dscan

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“I” never said take out local, I just like the idea.

I still don’t see why you are afraid of cloaked alt with no firepower?

i did live in a wh for a while but the reason i left the wh’s was not because i lost many ships there but because the non cloaky recon ships became undetectable in wormholes

because of the simple reason they light cynos i do udnerstand why you do not see the problem there since youre killboard shwos youre mainly in wormholes and lowsec wich is a different way of life