Main AFK cloaky thread

Sry, "my alts with nothing but a cloak on them?

who nkow what they have fitted ? can you see it on a cloaked ship ? :slight_smile:

Ah the cyno argument.

It still takes time for them to 1. land on grid, 2 light cyno, 3 everyone click and jump to cyno, 4. those users to load grid.

You also have the luxury of knowing they are there, so you PVE accordinly. It doesn’t change that if you are already aligned, flying an appropriate ship, and stay vigilant you have a great chance of escaping.

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what you say depends on 2 factors
1 wich cyno do they light
2 wich group are they from
you can see neighter of the 2 so you also cant prepaire for that

Completely irrelevant. And you can absolutely prepare for that.

i have seen them do it i was not in it cause i had to go to work back than

1 titan bridged a group of 50 within 3 seconds of a lit cyno and a blckops bridged a group of bombers in also wothin 3 seconds of thesame cyno it was a clusterfuck

so yes it is relevant for the pilot that is mining or ratting not for the ppl who are not affected by cynos wormholers

So you want the pvp threat removed unless they come through a gate or wh? No cynos at all?

Sorry no,

First off if you know someone is in system, as you would. You fly appropriately. IE don’t rat in your super, or your carrier. You stay aligned.

IF its a normal covert ops ship, and you are aligned you get away. Cause even if they light a cyno you will be warped off before they can lock and get a point on you.

IF it is a non-covert ops cloaked ship (like a cloaked up sabre). they cannot warp cloaked. so if you are doing dscan right, you see them before they land on grid.

IF They use a stealth bomber, well that is the toughest scenario because they can lock pretty fast and get a point on, and light a cyno. But they are paper thin so if you are flying something appropriate you have options of being able to burn out of point range and/or pop them and warp off.

i never said that :smiley:

i only said that cloakies should be limitid in the time they can hang somewhere afk by eighter afk timer or fuel requierment :wink:

so by youre pov only ships that actualy need to lock coem threw cynos
wich is a bit wierd to say the least

Ok sorry that doesn’t even make sense.

and maybe you never experienced it but 1 sabre can keep youre ships from warping out if they did not got in warp theyr establishing warp core gets cancelled and that is instant
and you do not need to have a lock to launch a bubble

I can actually see CCP doing something like this. What % players who use a cloak are using it for afk cloaking? I know I’m wrong, but I’ll say 20%. CCP will screw up cloaks for 80% of the rest of the players because people cry about afk cloaking.

The point is a sabre cannot warp cloaked. If you are staying on dscan and aligned you are gone before they drop a bubble. Yea sabres can bubble in WH’s so I’ve been there.

well a thing that gets nerfed and after 17 years maybe it is time that that thing gets nerfed a little

a nerfe does effect everyone in low and nulsec yes but thats also part of development

i was talking about a group with a sabre getting bridged in by a titan so he does not have to warp he is already there that was 1 example i just insta bubbled the attackers after the cyno got on within 3 seconds after the cyno was lit and the bridge was up sry forgot to type that part

In the meantime, thanks for bringing this to my attn. Now that I know my alts can cause so much grief, for no effort, I just gotta get a little revenge on null while it’s down! :crazy_face:

In the age of chaos, who knows what they will do…

what is the reason you need revenge on nulsec ? wondering face