Main AFK cloaky thread

They had it good for yrs. Now CCP seems to be giving them a good kick. I just want to help. :smile:

why dotn you join a nuslec alliance and join the fun its not all isk making but also fights in nulsec

Been there, done that.

ive bin livign in nulsec off and on sicne 2009 and i just dotn feel safe in low and highsec :smiley:

big difference between nul and lwosec for example in lwosec they fly cheaper doctrines
in nuslec mroe than not theyr flying 600-900 mil ships in massive fights they you also need to replace before srp pays out so you do need to make isk to do that

But didn’t you hear, Null Sec is evil! :rage:

It’s nothing personal against null, I just like being the underdog in this game. :grinning:

I used to get no end of amusement outta poking null with a stick. Now I want to do it again. :wink:

do the game a favour and do that in goon space :smiley:

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How did you know? :rofl:

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oh look, more complaining

oh look more trolling

the only reason you are desperately coming up with alternatives is because you are scared to undock and lose your ship when ship loss is a core element of the game.

grow a spine, kid.


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has nothing to do with losing a ship i lose enough ships

it is that a lot of ppl are afraid 1 of the odlest mechanics in the game that has bin used and absued
might be changed after it got released only over a decade ago

Of course we could go through the myriad of potential scenarios. And yes 0.0 is more dangerous, as it should be.

It still doesn’t change the fact that if there is an afk cloaky in system, and you are acting accordingly you have ample opportunity to escape.

If you are staying aligned and on the ball (as you should be, you know someone is in system) your ship is in warp before the sabre bridging through loads the grid.

you have a lot to say after being blown to pieces by youre main so many times it seems liek it is susicious 18 may 2018

believe me those attackers that i showed the link of had no chanse of escape before my grid loadet
and they were alligned out wich is normal when soem lits a cyno

The only people who complain about cloaks are those living in sov-null. If the cloak was broken, then people in other parts of space would complain as well.

also ppl in non sov are complaining about it tbh the ones in npc nuslec

its not broken it should be nerfed / balanced and yes a shitload of ppl will start complaining if that happends

It is balanced. It’s local and cyno’s that are the issue. Fix those and there won’t be any complaints.

Which directly contradicts what you tried to argue in your earlier post…

Since you go to warp instantly if you are already aligned.

derath you only quoted the for you relevant part not the part that they had no chanse to warp out cause they were instantly bubbled

cynos are already balanced after the patch they there are only certain ships that can light them
and there coem the wh argument again ppl who are not used to have local and want us all to lvie in wh space