Main AFK cloaky thread

Nope. I only quoted the relevant parts. One one post you are making the claim that they are commonly aligned but it doesn’t matter. In the other you are making the claim that it takes most ships more than 5 seconds to warp, which would only be if they are not aligned.

So which is it? People are commonly aligned or they aren’t?

i said it how it is that you only pick the parts that suit you makes this nothign less than a troll

oh please. It isnt a troll. It is keeping the point focused.

in the first quote you seem to be indicating that people are commonly aligned but it doesn’t matter because you drop the bubble immediately

In the second quote you are using the argument that it takes ships more than 5 second generally to warp, which is only the case if they are not aligned.

Yes I took snippets, but it did not change their context. It simply doesn’t allow you to ignore the argument because I left in extraneous facts which is commonly what people who have bad arguments like to do.

Since cloaks are used everywhere, but only a very limited number of people have an issue with them, then it must mean that something specific in those areas cause it. Nerfing cloaks would break them for all the other areas of space to fix the assumed issue a limited number of people have.

If cloaks were the issue, then the place where you cannot rely on the intel from local to get an idea how safe you are would be hit the worst, since you do not know who else is in the system with you. But since I have not heard anyone in w-space having issues with cloaks, or any other area beyond sov-null, it must mean that something specific in sov-null is causing this issue. The most obvious culprit is local. Only sov-null uses local to their main intel on how safe they are. Obfuscating that information will make it harder to ascertain are you safe or not and this seems to be what is driving people nuts.

TLDR: The issue is not cloaks, it’s the way local works. Change local and the issue will go away. Or just learn to not use it as the sole place to know can you undock or not.

Wrong. If you are aligned you instantly warp out as soon as you hit the button, while the arriving interdictor will be delayed momentarily as they load the new system and the server processes their request to drop a bubble. If you fail to warp out it is because you had poor reflexes and missed your chance, not because no chance existed.

Also, why didn’t you light a cyno of your own and counter-drop them, scoring some nice killmails?

than they have to press that button at exactly the right second wich is not always the case merin and you know that
that was our counter cyno…

i genraly i think like most ppl dont rat in a sabre …

this guy wants to run for CSM, btw

o he already knows
just like you say a lot for the accidental losses to youre main on 18 may 2018

No, you’re just bad at EVE. Let’s look at the sequence of events required for each side to win.


  • Notice a threat appear.
  • Click “warp” button (minimum 1 second).


  • Decloak (minimum 1 second).
  • Activate cyno. (minimum 1 second).
  • Tell allies to jump through.
  • Ally activates jump bridge (minimum 1 second).
  • Interdictor loads the next system (minimum 2-3 seconds).
  • Interdictor requests a bubble drop (minimum 1 second).
  • Bubble effect is applied.

So that’s a minimum of several seconds for the attacker even with perfect reaction times, against one second plus reaction time for the defender. The defender has a huge advantage in required actions and their minimum times, and can only lose if their reflexes are too slow.

TL;DR: stay aligned and escape is virtually guaranteed.

you have the sides a bit off but that is fine you clearly didnt scrol lup to wher i posted the link i was referring to

specialy for the ppl dotn readign mroe than 3 post above the 1 theyr posting

What is missing? You’re talking about bridging in an interdictor to bubble a ship that is aligned to warp out. Sorry if the truth hurts, but this scenario 100% favors an alert and skilled defender.

What does that link have to do with AFK cloaking?

i was the defender … that got bridged in in a dictor

Again, what does this have to do with AFK cloaking?

that if the ppl know what theyr doing they do not have time to warp out if a dictor gets cynot in by a cloaky but that is for you not suiting so you would never agree

Nope. I already explained the sequence of events on each side, and how the defender has plenty of time to warp out. If the defender can’t warp out it’s because they failed and didn’t use their chance, not because they didn’t have a chance.

looking at youre killboard it would ruin youre way of life so i understand why you are so anty balancing the cloak

not that you were in a fight last 3 years but still

Lolwut? Aside from the “this is not my only character” thing you apparently didn’t look at this character’s killboard because you would see that none of my recent activity on this character involves nullsec or ships that can fit a cloak.

(You do know the difference between force recons and combat recons, right?)

yes i am aware of the differences between the 2 ship types

and i only look at the character i see here i am not going to backtrace if i can mayeb find another toon of you wich im sure you have many