Main AFK cloaky thread

anyway im not going to discuss this with someone who is beside trolling sicne i started about this and who does not wanna see this by someone else his point of vieuw is a waiste of my time

Obviously you didn’t look at this character because you said “it would ruin youre way of life so i understand why you are so anty balancing the cloak” about a character who has not used a cloak or cyno on any of her recent kills.

almost every kill you had involced a cloaky

Stop lying, and learn the difference between a combat recon and force recon. Combat recons can not fit a cloak or cyno.

maybe you should refrain from quoting something i never said makes you a blatant fraud

o in what point was i lying ?

except you lie that i said that

youre killboard shows what it shows
and that you are a troll is well known same as you never take arguments serieus but only trolls them till they lose theyr value instead of bringing some decent counter arguments

almost every kill you had involced a cloaky

Either you’re lying or you don’t understand the difference between force recons and combat recons.

@boernl I have to ask again, so you want to screw over most of the people who use a cloak just to make the game more easy for you?

i fly cloakies aswell so it would also affect myself

So the answer is yes.

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actualy not realy cause i would fall udner exactly thesame changes as everyone else

but yes it would affect everyone for a balance that should have bin done many years ago

Why are you so scared of cloaks?
Like, let’s put aside your bad ideas for a moment and try to get to the root of the problem.

Are you afraid of just losing your ship?
Is it because you just want to krab?
Are you just inexperienced in PvP?

Like, what is the reason behind why you’re so scared?

How many players have asked for this change besides you? Can you give me numbers? If not, then I don’t think your fit for the CSM. Nothing personal, you seem like the decent type. Just not a good rep for the game.

it is not that i am being scared at all i love to fly cloakies now and than

it is more the mechanic has bin abused for many years even before i had the first cloaky camper in a system in fountain in 2012 and than i started noticing ppl were just abusing it and i know a lot of ppl have bin talking about this for years and years just nothing happend so yes most gave it up i did not

it is only 1 thing that i want to adress but my biggest focus is pushign to revamp industry and to assist in working to make theg ame mroe balanced and less 1 sidet
if you think my memory goes in all aspects back to 2008 sry man i have to disseapoint you there :slight_smile:

o and there are most likely so many things on the agendas beside adressing it that will if there is time will most likely be active spoken about next term when i would adress it this term

:slightly_smiling_face: That was a funny edit!

You have me on indy, I only build what I need.

Null has been given into for years, hence the age of chaos. This would be just another CCP fail in null’s favor. CCP is trying to cull null, not impower it again. :slightly_smiling_face:

that is what i meant with 1 sidet

i just wanna keep the differences clear between the 4 secority systems

and regardless of the promises the candidates make
i am very very carefull with what i write in the csm threat
cause you can make ur focus clear but you cant make promises you cant keep

So, I’m seeing a lot of problems.
The mechanic has been “abused for many years”?
How is it abused? The mechanic is, activate cloak, disappear from dscan. How is that abuse? Can you explain what you mean when you say it’s been abused?

Again, HOW is it abuse? What part about it is abusive?

I don’t care if other people have been talking about it.
I want to know why YOU are so scared of them.