Main AFK cloaky thread

The part where entitled farmer trash doesn’t get to make the maximum theoretical ISK per hour that they calculated for their farming ship.


i am not scared of them as i tried to explain

if you fly somewhere in a cloaky and you try to find a target and leave again that is gameplay

if you just hang ur eyes up and that just hangs there afk for days weeks or months in some cases that is abuse

How is that abuse? “Abuse” means that it is being used in an unfair way contrary to how it was intended to be used, and CCP has explicitly stated that AFK cloaking is ok.

Sorry, being AFK is “abuse”?
I don’t see how this is abusive in any way.

if the cloaks would require fuel i would agree
if there was a afk timer i would agree

but there isnt

if there was a mechanic in place that you could activly search and find them i would also agree cause than you could activly act against it

Why are those things required for it not to be abuse when the people who decide what is and isn’t abuse have explicitly said “working as intended”?

Cloaks work fine as is. If your that worried, maybe you should move to highsec?

Common Misconceptions about Exploits

This passage contains common tactics and other player conduct that is often mistakenly reported as exploits but are in fact not.

AFK Cloaking

A player is present in a system for a long time, usually cloaked, doing nothing at all most of the time.
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if they would implement a mechanic that i could hunt cloakies down i would spend a lot of time hunting them :))

But you’re not explaining how being AFK is abusive.

I don’t care about your bad ideas.
Please answer the question.

How is a player being AFK while cloaked “abuse”?

No you wouldn’t, because nobody would be logged in if they are not active and an active player will never be caught. The only effect of this mechanic would be to make it easier for RMT botters and bot-like players to avoid PvP without losing too much income.

in this case i should say abuse is in the point of vieuw of the person reading or writing it

ah there we go again the old rmt bot argument dotn you get tired of that ?

I do. I get tired of people asking for buffs to RMT botters and bot-like players. So stop doing it.

most ppl in nulsec are working hard to gain theyr isk there wil lalways be a % that does not

Well then I say that AFK cloaking is not abuse!
There we go, problem is solved! It’s not abusive! :slight_smile:

And most of them aren’t here whining about how nullsec is too difficult and that CCP needs to make it impossible to keep your name in local while AFK so that their farming isn’t disrupted.

Frankly, I’m just sick and tired of CCP nerfing stuff to try to slow down null. Killed more than one game play for me so as far as I’m concerned, you can suffer as well. I suffered enough with that crap that a line has to drawn somewhere, no nerfs to cloaks! :crazy_face:

can you please cdorrect ur quote ?