Main AFK cloaky thread

You’re right. And CCP has explicitly stated that no changes to cloaking will be made until/unless local is removed (or at least nerfed significantly). The only reason this thread exists is so that renter trash anti-cloaking whines don’t clutter up the forum. It is nothing more than a trash can where all of the whine threads can be dumped and ignored.


Love your renter trash talking keeps getting me a Smile on my face

@ ISD Dorrim Barstorlode This was a hard statement to not make fun of. :wink:

I think he’s spot on with this statement!

Having been on both sides of the coin, I think cloaking is fine the way it is. My only advantage is I was a cloaky hunter as well as a victim. So dealing with cloaks is not hard if your active.

And the fear of god it puts in players who want to play afk or bot. I think at this point, CCP might just like it the way it is. Good luck on your quest, your going to need it…

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I was summoned?

It’s about F’ing time! Where the hell have you been? We’ve been waiting over 2000 yrs now! Would you please remove afk cloaky campers from the game for this guy? :crazy_face:

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Well played sir :smiley:

Thanks for this fantastic explanation of one of the rewards of AFK cloaking. :wink:

A reward that is small and completely dependent on the target being a bunch of helpless renter trash that can’t fight back against even the weakest PvP threats. Against competent PvP-focused alliances this strategy doesn’t work and the reward is zero.

The reward for AFK ratting against a competent PvP-focused alliance is also zero. Just saying.

I’m not sure what your point here is, there’s no such thing as “AFK ratting against an alliance”. Farming is something you do for your own benefit, not an attack against someone else.

My point was moot, just like yours. That was my point. Saying that ‘sometimes the reward is zero’ means that there is no reward, is silly.

People AFK cloaky camp in this game, because it’s rewarding. Just because it sometimes has 0 reward doesn’t stop people from AFK cloaky camping, right?

Good thing that’s not what I said. It’s not that the reward is sometimes zero, it’s that the reward is 100% under the control of the people you are trying to attack with AFK cloaking and it is a weak attack that only provides a meaningful reward against renter trash. The fact that some renter trash are vulnerable to extremely weak and easily countered attacks does not mean that, on average, there is any meaningful reward to AFK cloaking or that the renter trash scenario should be considered in balancing decisions.

People AFK cloaky camp in this game, because it’s rewarding.

No, most people AFK cloak because they need a way to mitigate local. The only “reward” they get is that an overpowered intel tool for avoiding PvP is made somewhat more balanced. Remove local and there will be no further AFK cloaking.

So you’re saying that ‘mitigating local’ is a reward for AFK cloaking. And also that AFK cloaking is not rewarding? Make up your mind please.

Either way, I too agree that AFK cloaking is only rewarding because local exists.

If you want to go by the strictest definition of “reward” and waste everyone’s time with pointless nitpicking over definitions then sure, it’s a reward. It’s a much smaller reward than, say, ISK in your wallet from farming and turning it into anything more significant requires decloaking to engage in risky PvP activities.

If you want to use the common definition of “rewarding” where a rewarding activity is one that provides significant reward, not merely a non-zero amount of benefit, then no, AFK cloaking is not rewarding. It provides very little besides an opportunity to engage in PvP and that minimal reward is easily denied by the people you’re trying to attack.

CCP made AFK cloaky camping completely ineffective last year, but then they made the bad decision to completely roll back that change.

Not so much nitpicking as it is common sense. If AFK cloaking wasn’t rewarding, people wouldn’t do it.

See here:

By your definition of “rewarding” you would have to consider warping to be a rewarding activity, because in some cases warping to a site is a prerequisite for doing PvE. But this is obviously an absurd conclusion, so your definition has to be rejected.

That was a beautiful example of turning oxygen into greenhouse gas.

Local only helps cloaker who are NOT AFK.

AFK can’t see local, they are AFK.

I don’t see what is so Fing hard to understand about that? :rofl:

All AFK means is this thread is it is being used as a stick as if AFK is immoral or wrong.

Actual AFK players can’t so or see anything.

The real meat is a whine about cloaking and that is why this garbage thread exists.

To contain the Whiners


Looks like CCP still doesn’t want you people (actually RMTers and botters) to be able to farm in perfect safety. After all these years and well over ten thousand posts, they probably just overlooked it.