Main AFK cloaky thread

I understand. I have some buried comments in this thread as well, mostly from right before the blackout that made this thread temporarily useless. If I feel like it I may look through them later.

  1. Agreed.
  2. Try something like this:
    [Purifier, Purifier Cyno]
    Damage Control II
    Reinforced Bulkheads II
    Reinforced Bulkheads II
    5MN Quad LiF Restrained Microwarpdrive
    Warp Scrambler II
    Warp Disruptor II
    Covert Cynosural Field Generator I
    Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
    Small Transverse Bulkhead II
    Small Transverse Bulkhead II
    Liquid Ozone x200
  3. Are you saying that CovOps isnā€™t dangerous? :open_mouth:
    (If they bring the right tool for the job, any ship can be dangerous)
  4. I know how cloaks work, thank you. That cloak targeting delay also is present for covops cloaks by the way, except on certain hulls.

haha, itā€™s not the fit, itā€™s that you cannot do all the things you need to do at once.

Any non-afk target is just going to warp away.

You could tackle before cyno, but then you have no backup and your ship is paper thin.

You could cyno first but to do that you have to decloak and then your target is just going to leave if you are near the target.

If you cyno first but are not near the target the target is just going to leave when local fills with ships.

AFK cloaks are only dangerous to the uninformed and the AFK BOTTERS.

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What is funny for me that you writing in the Forum with your alt.
Tells me that you either are afraid that someone can come do the things you say are fine to you or you either are trash and wont want to let people know that you just talk without knowledge how such afk guys play out on the Server and just guessing.

Or your killboard is just full of those Kills that inbolve afk campers and you do not want your gameplay changed.

Thats fine tho but funny.

We had that one kill here (was funny tho) Where the cyno was logged off and someone (i got to search it was not my Corp and Ally KB is bigā€¦) jumped on a beacon with his Rorqual just to dock and go off.
System had a camper in it with a unkown ship.
He prepaired a web alt to quickly warp off.
Turned out that camper was a saber cloaked right next to the beacon.
He got bubbled arazu logged in above them on a Spot light up cyno 3 super came through and killed him.

So the camper was there 23/4 and did nothing but log in right After dt so no one was there to see him and as he told in a little convo just let is laptop run for 3 days just so we get used to himbe there but doing nothing.
And on the 4th day they invested 2h of time to get content.

Really greate to be afk and do nothing in at least on activity in game.
As i said i dont care i make my isk and can pay my stuff but that gameplay part of eveā€¦i just dont like it. And my Feeling is at least if you had to do one Action every hour to stay cloaked the enemy part woud have worked for that kill.

And if you like to harraze and hunt botters how about using the sandbox.

Create a Corp with afk campers that people knew they woud only hunt documented bots and nothing else.
As soon as botts ingnore you you can get all those bott Kills ans report em to ccp.
I have a Feeling that woud be greate for you as you are so focused on that rmt botts in every Post.

Sounds like they did work for that kill. Seems like a sound tactic.

A sabre isnā€™t covert, so it canā€™t warp cloaked. It can barely move cloaked. So first he would have had to get into the system and in place without being spotted. Then every morning when he logged in he would have to wait until he finished his warp to the beacon and cloak up, again without being seen.

Then he had to patiently wait for 3 days in order to let people ā€œget used to himā€ That is 3 days of his account completely tied up with this ā€œwaitingā€ activity. That means he couldnā€™t use that entire account for anything else.

Then according to your post they spent an additionaly 2 hours getting the team in place to hopefully catch a target.

I dunno, that sounds like it is working as intended.

Aww, now that you ran out of ā€œrealā€(lol) arguments did I totally mess up your next ploy which is to discredit the person who is right?

It was a dumb idea based on pixel cowardice, pull yourself up, put on your big girl pants and move on :rofl:

I donā€™t know why youā€™re complaining so much.

I donā€™t like people who chew food with their mouth open, but I donā€™t go on hour long crusades on a forum complaining about them. It annoys me, and I donā€™t like it, but I accept that they can eat food how they want.

Just like how AFK campers can play the game the way they want.

All I can see is this boiling down to you feeling like youā€™re entitled to have control over the way someone else plays the game. If you donā€™t like it, they donā€™t deserve their playstyle. Why?

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The answer to ā€œwhy do people AFK cloaky campā€ is pretty simple. CCP has not given players a way to influence a systemā€™s ADM.

More krabbing in a system means higher ADM. Which makes it more difficult to attack the sov of that system since the timers increase in duration based on ADM.

By Cloaky Camping, you can scare away the locals so that the system sees less activity. By reducing activity, you reduce the ADM. This makes it easier to attack the sov of the system. While at the same time, demoralizing your opponent.

So not only do you win in-game (by reducing ADMs) you also win out-of-game (by reducing morale of your opponents).

Hope that helps. :slight_smile:

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I dont complain i just say i dont like it and i woud like to see a change.

For the adm tho.
Two things.

First why shoud i be able to push adms Down with no effort while it takes active gameplay to get it up.

Secondly by your saying that afk cloaked campers dont effect propperly knowledged people in 0.0 your argument with adms is Invalid to adms if you say the dont affect active Players that know what they do

Or with other wird in ,our opinion litterly every 0.0 ally is Unkowladged because afk campers have an impact on adms if used at war.
So they dont only have impact on your rmt botts but active Players too which you said above.

So an Ally thats attacking can push adms Down with no effort at all just with the presence and the Posibilitiy to drop is fine but you have to be active to push it up.

Ok, so.
First. You not liking something does not justify a change.
Second, youā€™ve already said you donā€™t care. So why do you want a change?

So which is it? Do you not care? Or do you actually care? You canā€™t have it both ways.

Iā€™m not even gonna address your comment with ADMs because itā€™s clear that you have no idea what youā€™re talking about there.

I dont have issues with them. They dont hinder my gameplay.
But that does not mean i am fine with how it plays out thats just my opinion that that needs a change.

aka ā€œEverybody is wrong except meā€ - typical carebear in fact.

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Iā€™ve yet to see you provide anything in support of needing a change. Especially since all youā€™ve been talking about is how little it impacts you and how little you care.

  • ā€œIt doesnā€™t bother meā€
  • ā€œI donā€™t careā€
  • ā€œI donā€™t like itā€
    None of these are compelling reasons for a change to the mechanic.

That adds nothing to the conversation. I see we circle arround in this conversation.
If it woud be obviosly true that all is fine with afk cloak gameplay i woud doubt that topic woud be alive to this date.

We have the guys that like it.
We have the guys that hate it.
And we have i dont care people.

It up on ccp to change something.
I respect your opinion despite i think you are closing the eye and not see the whole picture.

All i can say is if i add no reason why it need a change.
Can you tell me your reasons it shoud stay as it is and why it shoud be able to log in 23.45 H a day and do nothing but staying in a hostile System.
And why it shoud not be in the slightest be a bit of a active thing to do in a one hour Period?

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Why does CCP need to change something?
The burden is on people who DONā€™T like it to show why the status quo should be changed. You can do this with facts and evidence, maybe some analysis of what the problem is.

The fact that 3 groups of people just exist (some people like it, some people donā€™t, some people donā€™t care) does NOT automatically mean that CCP needs to change anything. Those three groups of people will exist no matter what. But for people who WANT a change to the status quo, itā€™s on those people to provide compelling reasons for why it should be changed.

Because this is a video game, Iā€™m allowed to play that way, and I will play that way.

Why do you feel entitled to tell me how Iā€™m supposed to play the game?

I thought you said you didnā€™t care. If you donā€™t care, then why are you trying to change the way I play a video game?

Okay is see you are fine with it because thats how the game works.
So if ccp decided to change it it woud be okay for you because it is a Video game and you play as you allowed to play by the devs.
And the gamedeveloper shoud be entiteld enough i Think.

Lets see of at some point we see changes.

Yeah. This has always and will forever be my stance.
You can go through my post history for every single patch that CCP has pushed through. Iā€™ve held myself to the same standard of ā€œadapt or dieā€.

Youā€™re not a developer for CCP.
So I donā€™t see why you should feel entitled to change the way I play EVE Online.

We wonā€™t, (as evidenced by this thread), but you can hold your breath and tell me how that goes.

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Even if cloaking required some kind of active gameplay and upkeep, 99% of you in nullsec would still be scared to death to undock, so what changes?

So by saying ā€œof you in 0.0ā€ you actually dont exactly know how every one behaves or did you visit every ally/corp and asked how they behave?

I think if every one just woud dock we woud see far less Kills all over 0.0

Iā€™m going to go ahead and save you a whole lot of future typing. Cloaking has been this way since day 1. This thread has been going on for years now. Itā€™s NOT going to changeā€¦

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