Main AFK cloaky thread

Sure, will do.

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A greate idea coud even do 2 min cycle time because if someone is really afk you will find him.

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You won’t find anyone because nobody will stay logged in while AFK if this suggestion is implemented. And that’s the obvious goal. It’s not about catching people and getting PvP kills, it’s about making local more effective as a tool for RMT botters to avoid PvP while maximizing income.

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No it is about do allow afk gameplay like afk camper to be effektiv.

And if you personaly find that much bots that are so obviosly botting you know you coud just report them.

Join every big block with an alt and start Hunting and documenting botts and do something usefull.

Here’s a better way to make AFK cloaking ineffective: renter trash alliances stop being useless farmers and use the PvP tools they already have, creating a situation where the AFK cloaker either sits there AFK 23/7 and is ignored or commits suicide by attacking a target.

And if you personaly find that much bots that are so obviosly botting you know you coud just report them.

This is not mutually exclusive with refusing to buff RMT botting.

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So you using ally killboard to judge one Person instead of that persons killboard (which is not greate but not bad either)

And u using botters as a excuse for lazy afk gameplay. So again i just guess you need that playstyle to get at least some content and refuse to play a game active.

Anyway on to the discussion with mature people.

That Probe thing was n that bad.
It coud just be that only persons that stayed 1h cloaked and not warped arround start to have a cloak signature that coud be scanned.
Woud allow normal cloak gameplay and force afk cloak Players to play actually a game.

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If you want to remove AFK mechanics without buffing RMT botters there’s an easy solution: remove local. Now nobody will ever AFK cloak again. But this idea will be rejected because it makes life difficult for renter trash and RMT botters.


EXACTLY HOW is a AFK cloaked ship rewarded?


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Can you stop modify quotes, i mean people can read and notice that.
You only make your self look childish and a bit dump.
And your Arguments are just Rock solid trash btw.

At least, unlike you, I am capable of writing coherent sentences. And I’ll stop editing quotes to mock you when you stop posting stupid demands for buffs to RMT botting.


We sure can and I am not sure which is more hilarious, the quotes, or how much it is making people weep :rofl:

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It is rewarding in the sense of.

“I was just long enough in the System while i was away to drive locals crazy and make em waste their gametime and if one is getting enough i just log in my Main or call my people and we can get our selfs free intel”

If this guy had to warp once every hour HE woud actually done something for that intel. But as it is now he is just afk you know logs in with his fleet After work and had a 20h prepair afk camper. Just my opinion that that is just dump that that is possible

Edt.: i mean i am at work right now i woud not waste my free time on this Forum ^^

Warping once an hour is hardly a major investment of effort. So why are you so obsessed with the difference between zero effort and negligible effort?

(We know the answer: because imposing a requirement to warp at least once an hour buffs local as an intel tool for RMT bots to run more effectively.)

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The fact that “locals” are piss their pants scared of another PIXEL ship is not a problem with the game.

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While I do see the humour in the changed quotes above, it’s not something I would encourage people to do in a discussion. Such simple versions of Straw men aren’t worth a response.

The answer is identical to the answer to the question “Why do people AFK cloaky camp”. You can probably answer that one yourself.

Horribad idea.

For one, the chance you would actually catch someone is next to nil. Even AFK all you have to do is point a direction and fly cloaked at full speed. You will be out of range by the time someone tries to pin you down.

Secondly it harshly penalizes legitimate uses of cloaking. Find my story above. A TLDR example is when I accidentally got an orca stuck on the wrong side of a Wormhole. The cloak and being able to out-wait those hunting for me kept me alive. Probes such as you recommend would have been an easy mode kill. At that point there is no real reason to even have cloaks.

Pee, Coke, Beer, Buds, Snack, Sandwich…

But what does that have to do with EVE?

EDIT: Forget “Dump” :rofl:

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Thanks Derath, that’s useful feedback! You’re right, it would make finding a big stationary cloaked ship too easy.

I don’t think it would be impossible to finding a cloaked AFK ship that moves through space though. Scan him down once and bookmark. Scan him down again and bookmark. Fly across that line in a fast frigate to decloak. A low sig or fast moving ship may make it harder, but as long as the target is AFK you could be able to catch them.

I don’t like the effect of these probes on defensive use of cloaked ships such as Orcas. I’ll rethink it. Do you maybe have some suggestions?

  1. If you are afraid to undock unless you are alone in the system, move to high sec
  2. If you think one cloaked ship can tackle and cyno then you need to learn how those modules work
  3. If you think covert ops is dangerous then just lolol
  4. If you think non-covert ops can decloak and instantly target you then you need to learn how cloaks work

Not only is the problem that people are afraid to undock unless they are alone in the system, but also the fear isn’t even rational, it is the result of a lack of knowledge,

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I’ve made suggestions in the past, they are buried further up in this thread. Honestly I don’t really feel like rehashing them all over again.