Main AFK cloaky thread

Maybe you should get a new alliance if you don’t align with their active hours. Or just accept that PvE will be dangerous.

I dont and i still dont like that afk camper gameplay.

So we agree that local should be removed?

it is over before most victoms realize what is going on.

IOW, idiots get ganked and die. What is the problem?

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I give you that good points.

Kinda true that the guys getting killed deserve it but still the other guy had done nothing for that but do Dscan a coupl of times.
If you have to do something to stay cloaked At least it woud “feel more fair” i guess and more people woud be fine with it.

Well for one, not true. It isn’t trivial to catch someone when cloaky hunting (trust me I know). And if he is doing all that guess what, he isn’t AFK, which is the point of this thread.

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Whoa, I didn’t realize that d-scan could kill people. You mean all I have to do is sit in a safespot and hit d-scan a few times and I get killmails and loot?


I am not against those cloaky Hunters that roam arround i like that tho.

I dont like the ones logging in 10 min After dt do nothing for 5 h press d scan, nothing, another 5 h afk, dscan nothing, 3h, dscan, Rattle search it kill.

It kinda woud feel better of i tell a corpmate After what he had done wrong that the other guy had to work for it and stayed online that long and does something.

No o just tell newer Players “hey you did that and that wrong and the other guy was doing his private stuff work or Netflix with his gf pressed in Button saw you a d you are done.”

And i totally understand people that feel that is unfair

Edt.; ryskin i ignore you at that point but keep entertaining me

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Congratulations, you’re an idiot giving terrible advice to your friends. There are plenty of things you can do to avoid being killed by AFK cloakers, telling people to be helpless perma-victims and whine about how unfair it is shouldn’t be one of them.

And i totally understand people that feel that is unfair

People feel it is unfair because they hate the fact that EVE is a PvP game and they can’t farm their menial PvE content without any risk of loss.

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You are not reading or just trolling which let you look a bit stupid.

I said “…After i said you did that and that wrong…” which woud include to tell the guys what he did wrong to get killed and not what you interpreted tell him he is a helpless victum.

And i know there are people that not deserve to be in 0.0 or just have to prepair them selves for 0.0

But everything you’re saying is “be a helpless victim”. You’re going on and on about how AFK cloaking makes it so easy to get kills and how there’s nothing the target can do to stop it.

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If you still dont got my point you wont get it.
Just keep listening to the one lego movie Song “everything is awesome”

I get your point. It’s a bunch of nonsense about “honorable PvP” and whining about how it’s “too easy” to get kills by AFK cloaking. Do not confuse contempt for stupid ideas with failure to understand them.

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That’s not the point. Even a part of cloaky “hunting” can involved extended periods of waiting, even gasp walking away wihle waiting. Yes I’ve been afk at times while waiting for an opportunity to strike.

The difference is in a wormhole you learn quickly to do you PVE with the assumption that someone is watching/hunting you. As such you take the proper precautions. In doing so you can actually get away. I’ve gotten away from more gank attempts than I’ve been caught.

In 0.0 space you have the advantage that you know someone is there watching. You can still act accordingly and with the same kinds of precautions. Even a Titan will insta warp if you stay aligned while ratting.


Everyone understands your point. But you don’t seem to see how nerfing cloaks means that ratters know exactly when it’s safe to rat or not. Which should never happen.

The ratting from null has an effect on the whole game. It cannot be made safer without making the game worse for everyone.

Afk cloaking affects a small minority of players that probably don’t belong in null anyways.

Afk cloaking is the lesser evil here, and local is the root problem.


For a moment there I thought I was in the suicide gank freighter thread where pilots put too much value in their cargo and get themselves ganked.

Something similar is happening here, it looks like people are using capitals to PVE and getting caught out.

Your targets seem specific to cap ships, Do you have any kills on cruisers and frigate sized ships? No one really cares about people who want to PVE using inappropriate ships.

Since they can’t do anything who cares.

Oh that’s right, you are piss your pants scared to undock if someone is in the system.

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Everyone knows the point you are trying to make, you are just wrong that’s all.



this is nullsec…

I am not wrong i just have a different opinion in that topic thats it.

And if you read above i sure dock my pve ship if a neut comes in and undock in a pvp ship.
And i am personaly not affected in my gameplay by any afk guy i just dont like it.
So get over it that there are people which are not directly affected by this still dont like it.

An idea: Cloak Detection Probes

My opinion on this topic of AFK cloakies is that

  • AFK gameplay should not be rewarding
  • Null sec space should stay dangerous
  • Local chat is the reason AFK cloaks are rewarding

AFK cloakies are in a way good for the game: they keep ratters on their toes and thereby discourage AFK gameplay. The downside is that the counterplay against AFK cloakies is minimal: you can choose between (1) having backup 23/7 in system, (2) finding another system without AFK cloakie or (3) risking your ship against a surprise attack in favour of the attacker, since the attacker can see exactly who’s in system due to local chat and can optionally cyno in their own backup.

I would like to add another possible counter to AFK cloakies, preferably something that minimally affects non-afk cloaked gameplay such as cloaked hunting, wormhole gameplay or non-afk cloaky camping. I would like to see a tool that keeps cloaked ships on their toes, just like cloaked ships keep ratters on their toes so that neither can go AFK without risk.

Cloak detection probes could do such a thing: Functions similar to combat probes, but at a significantly longer scan cycle (10x longer), shorter range and capable of finding cloaked objects in space.

The huge cycle time would make these probes impractical for anything but specialized checking for cloaked ships when people expect cloaked ships at a certain spot in space. In addition to the long cycle time, the shorter range would allow cloaked ships to more easily warp out of the maximum range of the probes in reaction to seeing these probes on Dscan, and stay hidden.

Cloaked camping of a system would still be possible if the camper is able to react when people send out these probes, as it will be impossible to find and decloak a ship that moves unpredicably in between these long cycle times. And an AFK cloaky camper could sacrifice some of their combat capabilities on their fit for a lower signature radius and extra speed to avoid being caught by all but the most determined hunters.

Do you think it is too harsh for AFK cloaked ships, or that the impact it has on non-afk cloaked gameplay is too severe? Let me know! :smiley:

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Or we could not, since there is no need to change anything about AFK cloaking.

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