Main AFK cloaky thread

Why is this so complicated? I’ve explained this way more times than I can count in this thread.

Under the current system local is a warning of a threat but it can be mitigated by AFK cloaking. The name is in local 23/7 so a farmer doesn’t know if they’re active or not. They can either stay docked to be safe but never make any ISK, or take the risk of undocking and go attempt to farm.

If you remove AFK cloaking local becomes a 100% accurate warning. If a name is in local it is an active player and you dock. And as soon as the player ceases to be an active threat the name is removed from local and you know it’s safe to go back to farming.

If you want cloaking to have time limits then you have to remove local, end of discussion.


So you dont read the Post i see.
I was talking about a specific cloak ship that can stay cloaked longer (your loved afk cloak ship) but with limited combat use (less Dscan range or such)
So you have your intel and can organise stuff but can not be in System with a deadly combat ship 23/7

So still your afk thing which woud just need more prepair for a drop a coupl more skills and more active gameplay because you have to warp arround to find stuff with limited dscan (on my suggestion ship)

Why shouldn’t you be able to be in system 23/7 with a “deadly combat ship” again?

I’m sorry, but I still don’t see why leaving a name in local chat is any sort of issue. It does nothing, other than perhaps subvert the integrity of free intel provided by local chat.

So please, can you state the problem you are trying to solve again?

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lol, 6000 posts of nullbears scared to death to undock. High sec players could have a cloaked ship sitting right next to them in a belt, anomaly, or mission at any time, but does that keep them from undocking? Nope, they go right on about their business…


It is obvios you have a different opinion than me. And thats fine.

For me it does not make sense that every thing in eve is at some point active.

Ratting in a “afk” ship will need a new site After it is done.

Mining in a Rorqual rquiers at least one click at some point to compresse ore and now with changes some relocations in the belt.

Usually pvp is active.

Cloaking in it self is the only real thing that rquiers no active action from the player.
Afk campers is a result of that.

In my opinion to stay cloaked needs at some point a Action from the Player because if you just are away for hours there is the save log off feature

But the purpose of AFK cloaking is to subvert the free intel provided by local. You can’t do that if you use the Safe Logoff.

PvP is active. You can’t shoot someone if you are not at the keyboard. You can however stay logged in and disrupt the perfect intel provided by the local chat list. If you make it such that staying logged in requires an action, or cloaks have a timer, then you can’t use this strategy.

I’m sorry, but AFK miners and ratters devalue the economy by spawning new items into our shared universe. An AFK cloaker is exactly like an AFK player docked in a station - they are safe, but they gain nothing while they are away. It is fine.

So, -1 to your idea then.

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Okay i see what you mean.

Another thing in my head is fuel for cloak so for example you have a extra fuel bay for cloak (only pops up if a cloak is fitted) and the ammount in it woud be enough for like 3 days.
So every one doing it on a small scale can use it like normal.
Allys Camping multiple Systems woud requier to refuel every now and than and that woud cause a real Chance for a fight to happen.
So you can disturb local intel (if i like it or not) but have to plan something to hold cloak for weeks.

More pvp content and a longtime camper alt cant just log in and be there but still has the same features like now.

And guess what: everyone in the system would know that any ship remaining there 23/7 is a negligible threat. So, again, not acceptable unless local is removed.

For me it does not make sense that every thing in eve is at some point active.

Not everything. Do you have to click a “continue docking” button every 30 minutes to stay docked? Of course not. You can sit in station from now until downtime without a single action.

Another thing in my head is fuel for cloak so for example you have a extra fuel bay for cloak (only pops up if a cloak is fitted) and the ammount in it woud be enough for like 3 days.

This would be utterly pointless. Making people haul around fuel does not lead to any interesting choices or interactions, it’s just tedious nonsense. This is a solution in need of a problem and does not need to be implemented.

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Okay i guess you using this featur that much and dont want your easy life gameplay to be changed.

Sad that no normal conversation can go on. If you dont have a Problem with how cloak works it is fine.
You made your point and it woud be nice of you acept other opinions and not just say “nope nope nope” all over again to everything ^^

Nope. I don’t do AFK cloaking myself, I just have zero patience for entitled nullbear farmers who demand nerfs to anything that threatens their farming ability.

You made your point and it woud be nice of you acept other opinions and not just say “nope nope nope” all over again to everything ^

Why? Why should I accept obviously stupid opinions? The fact that you have an opinion does not mean that you are entitled to acceptance or praise. As long as you continue to post bad ideas I will continue to explain to everyone reading this thread why they are bad.


Perhaps the idea is good and your opinion bad.
Everyone thinks bis own opinion is right.

I personaly dont have issues with afk campers,
i make my isk anyway but is still dislike afk campers and the to easy setup of them.

In my opinion something needs to be done.
And to fuel them is one of the best options because ot rquiers to do something active at some point.

i dont get why someone woud do that perhaps we need afk campers because some groups woud not find content if that woud not be possible .
Kill is kill but get it that way woud not feel rewarding for me.

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Then you can demonstrate it by posting arguments in its defense and trying to persuade people, not whining about how unfair it is that I’m not accepting your opinion.

but is still dislike afk campers and the to easy setup of them

Then perhaps you could persuade renter trash alliances to stop putting out easy targets and learn to PvP. The ability to make AFK cloaking irrelevant is 100% within the control of the alliance that owns a system, entitled nullbear farmers are just too lazy and stupid to imagine a response to PvP threats besides docking up and demanding nerfs.

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I dont get how it is a nerf refueling every 3 days or reactivate cloak.
Is playing a game active once a couple days to much?

For learning pvp…i dont care what my Ally is doing. Fleets are not in my timezone and i only Dock to undock a pvp ship of there is a Chance for a “normal” fight (yea sometimes overkill on something) but i like small scale. On Corp Level or with my 2 or 3 guys i recently do it.

But i see people that dont have much alts and i see allys that just cant have a 23/7 standing rescue fleet.
(Not eben big blocks can respond 24/7)

I write a GF in local for wh Gangs they prepaired their fleet stand by rolled whs and found something to kill.

I write a GF for a roming or yeet fleet that comitted to fly a fleet unkown what will happen or what they fight.

I write a gf for a ded hunter scanning someone out i a sight and chatch a ded runner.

But i dont write gf to someone doing nothing than just hit Dscan 3 times a day for a week only to drop on something of they know they can kill it before someone can respond.

So if you write learn to pvp i guess afk campers and their fleet need to learn more because do nothing 99% of the time and drop on easy targets that they know they kill fast and can prepair for is less skill than a yeet or roaming fleet that Kills stuff.

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It isn’t a nerf. That idea is just a stupid idea that adds unnecessary fuel nonsense while having negligible practical effect. Anyone who wants to cloak can just park a hauler full of fuel in the system and ignore the need to refuel.

i only Dock to undock a pvp ship of there is a Chance for a “normal” fight

Congratulations, you are the problem. You refuse to participate in a standing PvP fleet to defend PvE operations. Your alliance should kick you out for being a useless parasite.

i see allys that just cant have a 23/7 standing rescue fleet.

Then they don’t get to do 23/7 PvE farming unless they’re willing to take some risks. Stop making excuses for failed renter trash alliances.

But i dont write gf to someone doing nothing than just hit Dscan 3 times a day for a week only to drop on something of they know they can kill it before someone can respond.

That’s nice. I’m not sure why you think anyone cares about your “GF”, they still got the kill.

And, again, if you don’t like them dropping on easy targets then stop giving easy targets. The solution to AFK cloaking is for renter trash to STFU and stop being trash, not more PvP nerfs so they can have risk-free farming.

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Boy quote out of context is nice isnt it.

If i am not im timezone for standing fleet i only undock my self for pvp if i have a Chance makes sense right?

You know that Allys have their prime times and if you are line member out of that prime time you still do your pve stuff?
But hey if you get all that personaly and we cant discuss normal i let you be the “winner” if you can tell me what pve ship is not a easy Target?

I mean you can check my killboard and when i lost my last pve ship to hostile…i dont get why you call out to give them easy targets. I dont and i still dont like that afk camper gameplay.

And yea it is part of eve and i dislike it and i want it changed no Matter what you say or call me.

And a secret under humas dont be that angry in discussions it let you look like a kid.

Edt.: and i dont need risk free Farming i make most of my money anyway if there is a neutral or not

Well, if you can still continue to earn ISK whether there is a neutral in the system or not, then I guess there’s not a problem with AFK cloaking. It obviously isn’t stopping you from doing what you want, so there’s no need to change it…

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Thats what i am saying i personaly dont have issues but i still dislike the function of cloak being how it is and i think it needs a change.

Edt. Just my opinion and i know no one cares but the on guy getting aggressiv which is kinda entertaining tbh

Which isn’t always “safe”. A competent combat prober can still catch you… This is old, but this guy “safe” logged out. Chimera | Komandoss1 | Killmail | zKillboard

No, as explained, local is the result. I’m willing to bet that out of almost 6000 posts in this thread not a single wormhole resident has posted in here complaining of AFK cloaking. There is no need to afk cloak in a WH to scare anyone as there is no local.

Yea i see but i guess that carrier was not camping.
Part of a learnig curve to know when to safe log of and what Moment is not so good.

For the wh people i guess your right. But a afk camper alone in wh woud not be that da dangerous i think.

(Keep in mind my wh knowledge is limited and if i am wrong tell me)

By the time he finds you doing stuff you rolled your wh anyway. So if not a fleet is waiting (and usually in a fleet you want to do stuff not wait 6 or 12h) you know their is no big reinforcements.

In 0.0 i dont care if a sabre or so is afk Camping but a arazu is something because enemys can prepair a Cap fleet somewhere Jump a carrier or a jumpfrighter on a beacon/bridge and it is over before most victoms realize what is going on.
Enemy cynoed out.

Since i do other stuff for isk too i let my super docked if it is known that it is a cyno camper or unkown ship.

Irrelevant. The point is the safe logoff isn’t 100% safe.

It is all relative. Sure you don’t have super hot drops. But you don’t need supers to kill most stuff in a WH. Half a dozen cloaky T3 cruisers is pretty deadly. Most of what I used to do was dual box cloaky T3 hunting in WH’s.

Then they deserve to die. Almost all covert ships (I think stealth bombers are the only exception) suffer from a 10s cloak recalibration timer. That means that an arazu has 10 seconds before they can even begin to target you. IF you are playing properly, and staying aligned while ratting, you can warp off before they can target.

Even a stealth bomber can be evaded this way if you are on the ball, as there is still some delay coming out of warp, landing on grid etc.

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