Main AFK cloaky thread

Yes. The “owners” of those systems can, at any time, put up a defense fleet to protect their PvE activities and make your camping irrelevant. The game isn’t broken just because certain risk-averse players feel entitled to purchase “ownership” of a system and farm it 23/7 without disruption.


You do know that zkill will tell yo when the guy is most likely active. I have and mined and ratted with a cloaky camper in system who was, based on his zkill activity, almost surely AFK.

Cripes…need help with anything else? Like how to open a can of soda? Make a baloney sandwich?

yes and then you live according to his rules … what nonsense


If he’s the one pointing a gun at your face, you either point one back or yield.

Or go back to hi-sec where you belong.


If you are afraid of him then yes, that is the way it works for cowards.


Lol, Let me get this clear, do you have over 20 accounts and you are using them to camp lots of systems simultaneously?

If this is the case then there is only so long you will be able to keep that up for. How long have you been doing that so far? Yes I get there is a Pandemic in the real world at the moment but it will end soon and things will get back to normal. When that happens do you really think you can keep up that kind of game play forever?

i am keeping this alive now for a year, is it enough?

I admire your determination. I think people will find other ways to get around the threat you pose. Personally I would make sure I had a 2nd account with a Blackbird fitted and within 0.1AU of where my main was operating or on grid with my main.

The moment you uncloak and attempt to point me I will have already targeted you and attempted to disrupt your targeting. I know it would be tight and there would only be a few seconds window for me to escape but it’s worth trying as there is no way a cloaker like you would stop me from playing.



You might be right. I still feel that it can be made costly for the camper by getting some people together and organising a bait of some sort. If @Arisha_Moon has been doing this for a year surely some of you must have analysed his movements and what kind of ships he uses to attack?.

I guess we are back to the point where people want to farm the systems and invest no time in defending it, they don’t want to organise anything with anyone they just want to play their own game. this is an absolutely fine way to play the game you just have to be aware that when you come up against a determined player/camper you will struggle.

here are 2 latest examples:

a year ago:

nothing changes…

you can not defense agains that cloaky camper… this imbalance like the new kikimora meta. or the old shtuka fleet with mjd destroyers, a whole fleet of 200 man, that cost only 3 b isk, destroyers easy targets, that cost 80 b isk…

And yet people do.


What makes you think you have the right to /thread /topic? You offer nothing but a weak, emotional argument.

Im fine with cloaky campers if it woud be a bit more active so you cant just log in after dt and just be there over work.

I mean pvp people cryed about Rorqual afk mining and afk vnis.
And it was by any means right to change that by ccp.
Now mining with a Rorqual usually needs to be played for 1 to 2 min every 5 min to relocate and i am fine with that.
Vnis got nerfed fine…afk ratting is still meh and ecists but not so effektiv than before.

So why shoud a Camper searching for pvp do it afk.
And yes i know “but if he chatches you he is active” but it is part of the cloaky Camper to drive local people into “he is doing nothing anyway” so being afk cloaked is already part of pvp.

What i suggest and what was for Sure already be suggested.

Give the cloak a timer maximum 20min cloak than it turn off in its own and has to be put online after a 10 sec cooldown.
Implement a new skill that longers the cloak time per Level by like 20%.
So you have to be there to camp and local peopl get a Chance to get intel what ship but cant scan out because ot is to fast to scan a small ship Down.

If you go even further you coud implement dedicated camper t2 frigs.
So if implemented like is said you cant cloak long enough to go anyweher.
But if we need for any reason like war true afk camper we coud get some new frigs that have specific boni.

-can cloak for extended time (8h base with max skill is sugested 16h)

-due to extended cloak Systems d scan is limited to 4 au (or 6 or 8)

-cloak cooldown extended to 1 min.

So this frig coud cloak longer and be afk but if you want to hunt in it you have to be good and it is more difficult.
And local people habe a Chance to get away or do stuff in sub caps but enemy will still get intel of movement if camper is placed strategic in scan range of stations bridges etc.
And you still have a ship to afk camp botters, because a bot does not know that guy in local is just this new afk camp frig.
But a active players will know that they just need to let the caps docked and do subcap ratting/mining or other stuff

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Correct - go back up the thread and you’ll see what people’s reaction to your idea is, to save them having to type it all in yet again…

When did forums turn into a write-only medium ?

I am Sure you find it quicker than me in this 5912 posts thread if you are used to that.

And you sure you read all? Im kinda 100% Sure that my suggestion was not posted exactly like that before.

Because they aren’t searching for PvP while AFK, they’re just sitting idle in space. Nor are they obtaining wealth while AFK like the AFK miners or VNI farmers.

Give the cloak a timer maximum 20min cloak than it turn off in its own and has to be put online after a 10 sec cooldown.

IOW, buff local to be a more effective tool for avoiding PvP by removing the ability to stay logged in while AFK. Not acceptable unless local is removed.

You know you can actually save log off if you are just afk.
No need to stay ingame

Then, like I said, local becomes a 100% accurate warning tool for avoiding PvP. Your idea is not acceptable unless local is removed.

Because reactivating cloak every now and than is to active of a gameplay?